Topic: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???


I just purchased a new computer from ADK Computer in Kentucky, USA, with these specs:

Intel i7 4790 processor + 16 Gb RAM
Asus Z87 Plus Motherboard
Windows 8.1 (6.3.9600; BUILD 9600) 64-bit
Gefore GTX 770 Video Card (4 Gb Ram)

For a number of years, I have owned an RME HDSP 9652 card, which has worked great for me. Revision 1.6. I do NOT know the firmware. I now wish to utilize this card in my new Windows machine, essentially for Digital I/O to Sequoia and other software.

Theoretically, can this be done? Does my 9652 card have the potential to run satisfactorily in my new computer?

If it is possible for me to continue to use the card, along with the Hammerfall software, then I have a problem getting this to work. Could someone assist me?

The folks at ADK installed the 9652 card for me, as well as the Hammerfall software. They said they had a real challenge getting it to work, but, if I understood what they did, they installed an older BIOS "program" in order to get the computer to recognize the card in the computer.

However, since the computer arrived here last week, I have been completely unable to get the computer to recognize the card, and unable to launch the DSP and Card software via the icons that are in the lower right hand corner of my computer screen. I click them, but neither program runs. Nor have I been able to get the computer to detect the presence of the HDSP card in the slots.

I spent the entire afternoon last Friday working with one of the gentlemen from ADK computers, trying to make these two things happen, but with no luck. Though new to Windows, some of the remedies applied included: removing the HDSP Card multiple times in order to ensure it was seated correctly (didn't help); removing the HDSP Card and placing it back into my older ADK computer to ensure the card was still functioning (It was, and worked great in the other computer.); and, completely restoring the system as it was via a program that "returned" the computer to the state that it apparently left Kentucky in, without any add-ons or other stuff. It was, as I understand it, a total "recall" of those settings. Still, no luck. The computer apparently does not register the card, and attempts to install the Hammerfall software have been unsuccessful.

The folks at RME came to the conclusion that there is some instability in the computer/system that will likely always plague me with the 9652 care, even if I can manage to get the computer to recognize it, and get up and running. They have suggested purchasing the RME RayDAT card to replace the 9652. (Thus, another question is, Will the RayDAT card be compatible with my new computer?)

I am completely stumped at this point as to what to do, or even if anything can be done. Can I still get a few years of life out of this card, or ought I, or do I need to, purchase the RayDAT card?

Thanks, anyone and everyone, who might offer me assistance.


Douglas Thompson
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota USA


Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???

Can you make a photo from the card and post it?

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???

Yes, I can Matthias.

I will attempt to do so within the hour.

Thank you.


Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???


I have the photos, but, I regret to say, I cannot seem to paste them into the message I am sending you to the forum. I have emailed you directly. Perhaps you could either let me know how to do that simply -- I am sure there must be some obvious thing I am missing (I am new to Windows.) -- or email it to you at another address.

Thank you.


Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???

There is no picture upload on this forum, sorry. You can upload them to a picture hoster such as 666kb or use Dropbox or some such service.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???

Thank you, Daniel. I was contacted by Matthias, and he provided a way to send the pictures to him directly.

I am most grateful for the very quick response to my call for assistance from RME. That certainly makes me know that, when I invest in RME products and techology, I have made a very wise decision!

Best regards,

Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota


Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???

Unfortunately your photos show a HDSP9652 revision 1.6 (as you wrote), in perfect condition. As this card is several years old we have no way to exchange it to see if a new one would show the same effect, or if your card is just a bit out of spec.

That said updating to the RayDAT is indeed a good idea. Even if it wouldn't work (it will work, of course) you could simply return it, so no risk. And your motherboard could go back to the latest BIOS, which most probably will help with other things.

Matthias Carstens

Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???

The board has got two PCI slots - have you tried both?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSP 9652 Card with Windows 8.1, Asus Z87 Plus Board???

Matthias and Daniel,

Thank you for your responses. Matthias, I hear you saying that, overall, it would be best to secure a new RayDAT card. Daniel, I hear you wondering about the second slot on the motherboard. After contacting ADK about both options, I have decided to go with a new RayDAT card. ADK's sense, Daniel, was that I might create other problems, if we booted the GeForce GTX 770 graphics card out of the primary slot and replaced it with the HDSP9652.

The HDSP has been a terrific product for me, and I offer you all kudos for keeping it viable for so long. For me, RME's commitment to the quality and longevity of its products makes me very confident in purchasing the RayDAT card, and enjoying that card for seven years, as I did the HDSP9652.

Thanks for the great products. PLUS, this dependable support.


Dr. Douglas Thompson
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN  USA