1 (edited by hendrixeur 2014-07-24 07:07:35)

Topic: " Increase the volume in my headphone !!!!"

I just bought a second hand Hdspe Aio .

I'm recording MC's and I'd like to now how would you proceed to give more headroom to the mc without increasing the input record gain..

The RME output is connected to a tascam DM24 mixer, so I was thinking using the rme headphone output routed to a tascam mixer channel  input .

Like this I would have parallel direct monitoring mic input and i could ajust the level on the tascam mixer to give more volume to the mc ..

What do you think about this ? maybe it would be better to use an optical connection ... but I'm not really aware about ...

I need your advice ..

Thanks for reading my story ..

Ps : i'm using Cubase 5.
Enjoy your day