1 (edited by Nikolay Polyakov 2014-07-30 17:56:31)

Topic: Using the HDSPe AIO's headphone output with low impedance headphones

Hello! The HDSPe AIO' manual says that headphone output have a 30 Ohm impedance. Can I use my Beyerdynamic DT100 (16 Ohm-version) or it may cause short circuit and damaged a card?

From DT100 specifications:
Nominal SPL - 94dBSPL
Power handling capacity - 1000 mW (= 124 dB SPL)


Best regards


Re: Using the HDSPe AIO's headphone output with low impedance headphones

The phones outputs are short-circuit protected. You can use any impedance with them withput destroying something.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Using the HDSPe AIO's headphone output with low impedance headphones

Thanks for fast reply and good news, Matthias!
Have a nice day.

Best regards