Topic: Madiface USB laptop config

Hi guys! Few weeks ago I've bought Madiface USB for multitrack recording of live shows and festivals. This weekend was a first recording session of two-days fest with more than 13 bands. Everything was ok, all 56 channel from DiGiCo SD8 goes to DAW perfectly, but almost at every band after 55-60 minutes recording stops with "Recording too many tracks" error in Cubase7. I know, that this error is about HDD performance. I use MacBook Pro (late 2010) with 2.4 Core2Duo, 8Gb RAM, and 500Gb 7200 rpm Hitachi HDD. So my primary question is what should I change to ensure uninterruptible recording for at least two hours of 56 tracks at 48/24? External firewire HDD? Change recording software?

Re: Madiface USB laptop config

I use the Madiface USB with a MacPro laptop (10GB Ram), quad core i7, with Logic Pro X. It works great. I've done 5 hour recordings ! I always use Glyph external FW800 drives for recording. It's not a good idea to record on the internal drive especially when recording multitrack.  Good luck.

MADIface USB / ADI-648
Macbook Pro (Intel core i7) 16MB Ram (OSX 10.9.3)
Logic X 10.0.7

Re: Madiface USB laptop config

Thanks! One more question: how many tracks you've been recording during 5-hours session?

Re: Madiface USB laptop config

I armed and recorded 64 tracks.

MADIface USB / ADI-648
Macbook Pro (Intel core i7) 16MB Ram (OSX 10.9.3)
Logic X 10.0.7