Topic: Flash Update failed on Cardbus card, now unusable

Hello, I've got two of the older HDSP cardbus cards that use the flat, 15-pin connector on one end of the cable and the standard firewire connection on the other end. I attempted to run the Flash Update Tool on one of them, and it failed. Now that card is unusable. The other card is working, but the FUT says "needs update". However, I'm afraid to try the FUT on it, out of fear that it, too, will become unusable. I was wondering what my options are: can I send both cards in to the factory to have them updated to the latest firmware? If so, what will be the cost, and what is the usual turnaround time? I live in the U.S., by the way, so would I have to ship the cards to Germany? Or is there a location in the U.S. that can do this?



Re: Flash Update failed on Cardbus card, now unusable

Please contact Synthax US,

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs