Topic: TotalMix FX Pan Law Setting for HDSPe MADI fx


Please forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere - I looked all over and read the manual through several times.

I just upgraded my HDSPe MADI to an HDSPe MADI fx. The old card had a setting for pan law in the TotalMix control panel. I can't locate that setting for the new card.

Has this setting been removed?

If it has been removed, what is the pan law set at? It seems to be -6db, but I want to be sure.


Re: TotalMix FX Pan Law Setting for HDSPe MADI fx

Yeah, looks like this option got removed in TotalMix FX.


Re: TotalMix FX Pan Law Setting for HDSPe MADI fx

No, not removed. It had never been in there. And it will not be added, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX Pan Law Setting for HDSPe MADI fx

Thanks Matthias! I don't need it, and it's no problem. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy!

Is it fixed at -6db? That seems to match Samp.

You guys make great hardware!

Re: TotalMix FX Pan Law Setting for HDSPe MADI fx

I figured this out myself. When you use ADM to control TotalMix from Samp, you can see the TotalMix faders adjust as you pan in Samp. At the center, they are down 6db from hard left or right. So, -6db pan law. Very cool!

Re: TotalMix FX Pan Law Setting for HDSPe MADI fx

The Pan Law communicated from Sam to totalmix via ADM depends on the Pan Law Setting in Sam.
If you have 0db in Sam, total mix should follow. It does not work for aux pan yet, though. And some miscommunication is to be expected, especially regarding pan law.