Topic: Driver 3.42+ Wavelab 8.5 - stuttering with files of different rates
Not sure if this has been going of a while or if it just started a few days ago.
When I open files in Wavelab 8.5 of different sample rates and bit depths when using my RME Multiface II - I have noticed some horrific freezing, stuttering and sometimes a complete stop when trying to play each file.
This morning I had a 16/44 file, a 24/88 file and 24/96 file loaded into my standard Audio file workspace...and when I would try and play the 16/44 - seems like it took my RME about 5 seconds to realize what was happening and finally start to play the file. Then I immediately switched the 24/88 and the same thing occurred. Same with the 24/96.
While I cannot recall having a bunch of files of differing rates/depths in the editor before - when I do the same in Studio One - it plays everything instantly...I can have the cursor moving in one file and click into another and the audio is seamless with no stutters, breaks or freezes.
The only other thing done recently was an update to the RME driver to version 3.42. Anyone seen this before? I am leaning on a Steinberg issue but thought I would check here too.