RME Support wrote:All available paramerters are listed in the manual.... I have nothing else available...
Daniel Fuchs
well, point it in manual for me please, as I must be blind,
as you probably know totalmix does not send midi,
means programing it without a midi chart is rather impossible
there's no info in your manual, (except programing mono, dim, talkback buttons with midi note on/off)
maybe if you read it yourself, you'd find it out
I actually google it for hours and have found another person asking similar questions as myself,
the answer -'check manual' - must be a golden rule:)
I can link you dozens of guys like me looking for same thing - simply midi implementation chart,
and there's no answer....
I understand if you don't know the answer, maybe ask your colleague at work, ?
I am quite upset right now, 'cause I left few questions since last couple of days -
all answers - check manual
I found info (why it's so obscure ?, really you need to google a bit to find some information) that new totalmix got full midi implementation, and so far:
1. can't find totalmix manual for multiface 1(the one at your website is 3 years old)
2. can't find bl@@dy midi chartDeadHorse
if mackie control can control totalmix via midi, then it has to be list of midi channels and midi cc,nrpn, note on/off, etc responsible for controlling it