Topic: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

Dear RME support, please help

I need to program totalmix to control it with midi device
all I need is midi channel and midi CC for
1. pan - all 3 rows of faders
2. mute on/off - all faders

if you could also explain to me how to move (via midi communicate of course) first 8 faders control through totalmix up and down - that will be fantastic

thank you in advance

Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

RME tech support ...

Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

All available paramerters are listed in the manual.... I have nothing else available...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

RME Support wrote:

All available paramerters are listed in the manual.... I have nothing else available...

Daniel Fuchs

well, point it in manual for me please, as I must be blind,

as you probably know totalmix does not send midi,
means programing it without a midi chart is rather impossible
there's no info in your manual, (except programing mono, dim, talkback buttons with midi note on/off)
maybe if you read it yourself, you'd find it out

I actually google it for hours and have found another person asking similar questions as myself,
the answer -'check manual' - must be a golden rule:)
I can link you dozens of guys like me looking for same thing - simply midi implementation chart,
and there's no answer....

I understand if you don't know the answer, maybe ask your colleague at work, ?
I am quite upset right now, 'cause I left few questions since last couple of days -
all answers - check manual
I found info (why it's so obscure ?, really you need to google a bit to find some information) that new totalmix got full midi implementation, and so far:
1. can't find totalmix manual for multiface 1(the one at your website is 3 years old)
2. can't find bl@@dy midi chartDeadHorse

if mackie control can control totalmix via midi, then it has to be list of midi channels and midi cc,nrpn, note on/off, etc responsible for controlling it

Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

6 (edited by kx3 2011-10-19 08:06:28)

Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

I agree with filipovske that it's quite frustrating to have a manual with no clear implementation chart. (it's very sketchy compare to what should be presented as a clear and COMPLETE implementation chart).
I use RME since over a decade and I ALWAYS recommand these products because of their top class sound quality, features and unbeatable driver's stability.
But on this subject, I have to say that the service is way below expectations.

On a side note, I think you should tell in the manual that note# are not a standard.
It's not everyone that have access to an hexadecimal programmable hardware and troubleshooting the octave offset might be frustrating as well...

A learn mode would be very handy with a device including that much channels...


Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

The Mackie commands are not listed in the manual as they are not publicly available - that simple. Everything else is indeed in the manual, except for the MF II manual, which is just worked on. A new version should be released this week.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by kx3 2011-10-19 08:15:46)

Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

Are you saying that you can't include in the manual something like this: Master Mute:   Note G#2 ch.1? What prevent you to include these codes??

that's the way (basicaly!) to do a proper midi implementation chart such as recommended by the MMA; relying on button names of a third party manufacturer is obviously not the way to do a standard midi implementation chart.


Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

kx3 wrote:

Are you saying that you can't include in the manual something like this: Master Mute:   Note G#2 ch.1?

This (and other) commands are listed in newer manuals.

Matthias Carstens


Re: TOTALMIX - muting channels and pan via midi cc

Here's what I mean by "proper midi implementation chart":
directly from the Midi Manufacturer Association

obviously we don't care about the channel mode messages and stuff like that but the grid at pages 6-7
is exactly what is missing in the manual.