I have the speakers plugged into the back of the babyface (using the headphones cable) and when I need headphones as well I just plug them into the side, works fine so far, I get sound from games etc. (I set it(Speakers RME Babyface) to default driver).
The thing I'm wondering now is if I'm supposed to be able to control the speakers using the "out" selection on the Babyface, as I control both my headphones and speakers with "Phones" now ..
Doesn't matter that much really, just curious ..
Thanks for all the help everyone
edit: I just noticed that My sub isn't connected to the babyface when doing it this way, so currently I'm on 2.0 ..
edit2: sorry, I do have the sub, I think, when I right click and press "test" in playback options it only plays left and right and when I test the realtek one it does everything except left and right (yes it also does sub) but I seem to have sub when recording and listening and gaming so I should be fine.