Topic: Raydat Adat "Sync-Clicks"

I hear some strange "Clicks" when I record some stuff through my Midas XL48 Preamp.
The preamp is via Adat connected to the Raydat. On the preamp the settings are 44khz, Internal sync.

In the Hammerfall DSP Setup Window the Input Status of the Adat4 jumps always from "Sync" to "Lock" and back to "Sync" every 5sec. Always when I see changing the status I hear also a click/noise sound.

Can please someone explain it to me what this is and how I can avoid it?

I uploaded a soundfile here where you should be able to hear this strange "sync clicks". The clicks are only hearable if I play or record something. If the Inputs are not in use without signal there are no clicks. … cClick.mp3
(First click is after 7sec)

Re: Raydat Adat "Sync-Clicks"

btw...same clicks I can hear with the Focusrite ISA one if I connect it through SPDIF to the Raydat. If I use the Adat Output from the ISA One the clicks are gone.

Re: Raydat Adat "Sync-Clicks"

We need details on your clocking - what is your master clock (would need to be your Midas for your current config mentioned above to work), and what else is connected and how is everything sync'd?


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: Raydat Adat "Sync-Clicks"

Thanks for helping me.

Clock Mode on the Raydat is "Internal".

There are 2 x M-Audio 1010 (with a special Adat converter) connected In/Out on Adat1+2 at the Raydat.
At Adat3 the Focusrite ISA One.
At Adat4 the Midas XL48.

Input Status of the Raydat:
Adat1 Sync 44,1
Adat2 Sync 44,1
Adat3 Sync/Lock (alternating) 44,1
Adat4 Sync/Lock (alternating) 44,1

The rest is not in use.
AES      No Lock
SPDIF    No Lock
TCO       No Lock
Sync In  No Lock

The Focusrite I would prefer to use via SPDIF. Some years ago I tried it but because of this clicks I switched to the Adat cable. I thought maybe it is something with the focusrite. Now same clicks with the Midas XL48.

Re: Raydat Adat "Sync-Clicks"

I'm not that familiar with all of you gear and their respective digital connections, but since you have the RayDat running on "Internal" - this means it is currently your system WORDCLOCK MASTER.

All other units will need a way of receiving the clock from your Raydat, or you will get pops and clicks (non-sync'd).

It would seem that your 1010's are already syncing to the RayDat's ADAT Outputs, so they seem to be good as-is.

You can either feed the ADAT Outs 3+4 from the Raydat back into your Midas and Focusrite units (assuming they can accept an ADAT Input and lock/slave to it), or by way of BNC Wordclock Cables and BNC Tee's while minding termination appropriately.

Not sure if the RayDat has Wordclock BNC I/O as standard, or if it's an additional module?

If 1 of these 2 units can not slave externally, another option would be to make that problematic unit the System Wordclock master, and have everything slave to it (many ways to skin that cat - will cross that bridge if/when needed).


2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: Raydat Adat "Sync-Clicks"

strange...some posts are gone including my final answer.
So writing again...
Thx for the help. Everything is working now.
The focusrite ISA one is my sync master and is connected via SPDIF now to the Raydat.
The Midas XL48 gets the sync from the ISA one via Wordclock.
Everything is in sync now!