Topic: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8
Hello all,
First off it's nice to meet you all, my name is Ken Sutton.
I am having a bit of a problem, I'm a long time PT user and I just changed over to Cubase to do some midi work.
my problem is; I can record midi in and I get audio out from Cubase, but I can't seem to record audio in.
I have a 01v96 mixer and a RME 9652, I'm using Adat from the mixer to the RME, In Cubase I have Adat 3-4 in and Adat 1-2 as the outs. ( sounds like I got it right? ) but I get no audio in Cubase to record... I know it's something in the routing but, it's been aloooooog time in doing it.
I'm on Windows 7 pro 64 bit
If any of you can help me out it would be very cool!!