Topic: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

Hello all,

First off it's nice to meet you all, my name is Ken Sutton.

I am having a bit of a problem, I'm a long time PT user and I just changed over to Cubase to do some midi work.

my problem is; I can record midi in and I get audio out from Cubase, but I can't seem to record audio in.

I have a 01v96 mixer and a RME 9652, I'm using Adat from the mixer to the RME, In Cubase I have Adat 3-4 in and Adat 1-2 as the outs. ( sounds like I got it right? ) but I get no audio in Cubase to record... I know it's something in the routing but, it's been aloooooog time in doing it.

I'm on Windows 7 pro 64 bit

If any of you can help me out it would be very cool!!


Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

The audio inputs in cubase are set under vst connections, inputs (under devices menu) You should be able to see the inputs working in totalmix.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

oh I know where the connections are in cubase, I'm just not getting audio into cubase. when I plug a mic into my mixer yamaha 01v96 it's not going into cubase but audio out is.... so my problem is getting audio from the 01v96 to the RME 9652 to cubase I'm using Adat... the inputs in cubase is adat 3-4, outputs adat 1-2..... I know it should work and it's right but still no audio signal into cubase....

thanks for your help.... I don't know if it's a driver problem or not? something to think about

thanks again

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

Do you see any meter activity on the top row of TotalMix (hardware inputs) when you have signal coming from the 01V? If not, the problem is in the 01V mixer - or possibly the HDSP Settings application. Make sure SPDIF In is set for "coax" instead of ADAT 1 on the HDSP Settings.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

I Jeff,
Hey you might be right brother, I don't see signal on hardware inputs.... I'll change it to SPDIF and get back with you


Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

Sorry Jeff,
not working, I also reinstalled the drivers and I just noticed I don't have any FX in totalmix at all can't even find them anywhere??? is there another update out?

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

What is not working? The HDSP 9652 does not have any DSP for effects, so the TotalMix effects are disabled on this card.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

Hi Jeff,

I'm still not getting audio in to Cubase, but I am getting audio out, I can record midi fine. and yes I have no FX at all and that's not a big deal for me so it's cool, I just need audio in, ugh! but you gotta love this stuff


do you think my PC stock (realtec ) sound card might be giving me a conflic ?

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

I am sure it is just a set up or connection problem. Just recheck everything...
Both devices same sample rate.
Sync setup correctly and working, preferably yamaha master rme slave to adat. If rme doesn't give sync message in control panel for the used adat input, it will not work anyway..
Cables connected correctly and known to work.
Optical set to adat and spdif electrical or better use one of the pure adat ports (if the yamaha has adat that is).
Yamaha set to output adat and audio indeed send to adat out of yamaha.
Check and recheck.
BTW I have a HDSP96/52 working here with 3 adat devices connected, so some experience ;-)

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

All synced right, I even reset my yamaha mixer to factory default..... you know it might be an adat problem in the mixer? I'm sure I'll get it it's just a buggy thing hehe

thank for all your help take care beepbeep!

Re: Yamaha 01v96, RME 9652 And Cubase 8

Hey Jeff,
brother I got it!! yea!!! it was my direct outs.... I found it online..

this is what I found;

To patch the direct outs :
Press the Patch button on the console.
Go to the Direct Out page.
Press the Select button for the channel you want to change patching for and change the path to ADAT1 - ADAT8 or SLOT 1 - 16.

To enable the direct outs :
Press the Pan/Routing button 4 times.
Scroll to the assignment section where you see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, D, S
Select the D on all channels you want to enable direct outs on.

Tucker Dragoo
Apple Valley Productions

Thanks for all your help man!!
