Topic: UFX + Babyface Pro + Samplerate changes = problems

Hey guys,
I got two problems with my Babyface Pro connected via Toslink to the second ADAT port of my Fireface UFX. The clock source of my Babyface is set to "Optical In".
1) When I change the samplerate of my UFX from 44,1kHz to 96kHz, the Babyface stays at 44,1kHz. I have to manually change the samplerate, why is that? The only thing that changes is that the sample rate in the Babyface settings dialog is now in red, still stays at 44,1kHz and is followed by "Current: 48000 hz". The input status however says "ADAT Sync 96kHz"
2) The main output of the Babyface is also routed to ADAT1-2 because my monitors are connected to the Fireface. So everything that the Fireface receives on ADAT2 1-2 goes straight to its main out - works perfectly. Now when changing the samplerate to 96kHz, you only get 4 channels per ADAT input which is fine but it also changes the channels in Total Mix. ADAT2 1-2 is now on a different channel in total mix which kills the routing. Is there a way that the routing is preserved?
Thanks in advance!


Re: UFX + Babyface Pro + Samplerate changes = problems

1) The sample rate is set by the DAW. If not (BF as standalone DA etc) you might need to change the sample rate range manually on the device as explained in the manual.

2) You could  use port ADAT1. But basically that problem doesn't exist. In the DAW you will have a different channel assignment for a 96 kHz project which takes care of that. In TotalMix FX, if it is just about routing, simply save a different workspace with the correct mix/routing for that sample rate.

Or you set the BF's optical output to SPDIF, so it comes in via AES and doesn't change routing/position between sample rate ranges.

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX + Babyface Pro + Samplerate changes = problems

Thanks Matthias!
1) So it's not possible that the Babyface automatically follows a samplerate change of the connected ADAT device?
2) That's a good workaround. Just out of curiosity: is there a reason why the routing is changed with a samplerate change and not stays put?
Thanks again for your support!


Re: UFX + Babyface Pro + Samplerate changes = problems

1) Some of our units support ADAT 96kHz signalling, but not all. And even if it will not follow if USB is active as that would cause ful havoc on your system (all WDM and ASIO devices deleted and rebuilt with a different sample rate while record/playback might be ongoing).

2) How can it stay when channels in-between vanish?

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX + Babyface Pro + Samplerate changes = problems

1) Thanks for the information.
2) I'm just generally speaking here but if the non-active channels would just be deactivated instead of completely removed, everything including the routing could stay in its position and the non-active would just be greyed-out and non-functional.