Topic: MADIface USB with Soundcraft Compact Stagebox

Hi, New to this forum (and RME) so apologies if this comes across as a newbie question....

We have a MADIface USB connected to laptop which connects to a Soundcraft Compact Stagebox via optical which in turn is connected to a Soundcraft Vi1 via Cat5

As described in page 10 of :

https://3e7777c294b9bcaa5486-bc95634e60 … iginal.pdf

The laptop sees the madi channels of the RME interface and the desk sees the madi channels of the card fitted to the compact stage box - however, there is no data passing beteen the two. I have no 'signal' lights on the MADIface or the optical card Compact Stagebox. Thought is could be the optical cable but that worked on a different setup so assuming that's OK (not sure how to test it).

Anyone successfully have this setup working?




Re: MADIface USB with Soundcraft Compact Stagebox

In and out reversed?

Check the MF USB by connecting in to out with clock set to Internal.

Matthias Carstens

Re: MADIface USB with Soundcraft Compact Stagebox

Yep - they were reversed - many thanks. I'd been staring at this for ages and missed the obvious.

Re: MADIface USB with Soundcraft Compact Stagebox

Just a short question about same configuration.

Can you control the gains and phantom power of the compact stagebox via for example totalmix?