Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Don't know if this is at all possible or if there is some hardware limitations, but some kind of "subwoofer mode", where either the RCA or XLR outputs could be set as a dedicated low frequency output with an adjustable digital crossover would be fantastic.

102 (edited by ramses 2020-03-01 14:04:48)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

th0m wrote:

Don't know if this is at all possible or if there is some hardware limitations, but some kind of "subwoofer mode", where either the RCA or XLR outputs could be set as a dedicated low frequency output with an adjustable digital crossover would be fantastic.

I fear this is not possible, at least not with the DAC, because it has only 1 D/A converter.
But I could think of that even with the Pro this is not possible as it has been mentioned several times, that the rest resources of the FPGA are limited and reserved for important things.

At the moment I would recommend you to get a good active sub which allows connection of satellite speakers and has a crossover built-in.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

103 (edited by KaiS 2020-03-09 14:19:42)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests


A feature request that might not need too much resources:

For aural checking the centering in a stereo image a "Stereo Reverse" is doubling the precision compared to "Mono" switching.

So the I/O Settings/Mono could have the following options:

"L" (L to both Ch.) | "to L" (Mono to L Ch.) | "Reverse" (Ch. Reverse) | "Off" (normal stereo) | "Mono" | "to R" | "R"

Cross out whatever you think, but keep the "Reverse" smile


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

KaiS wrote:


A feature request that might not need too much resources:

For aural checking the centering in a stereo image a "Stereo Reverse" is doubling the precision compared to "Mono" switching.

So the I/O Settings/Mono could have the following options:

"L" (L to both Ch.) | "to L" (Mono to L Ch.) | "Reverse" (Ch. Reverse) | "Off" (normal stereo) | "Mono" | "to R" | "R"

Cross out whatever you think, but keep the "Reverse" smile

You can reverse L/R by setting -1 to the "Stereo width" setting smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

105 (edited by KaiS 2020-03-09 15:59:56)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Yes, but for what I mentioned:
Checking the centering in a stereo image,
instant switching is necessary to hear the "jump" of a centered voc/instrument.

Else the simple mono-switching is by far superior to the only sliding change in  stereo "Width" setting.
BTW, a "Mono"-result is an option of this "Width" setting too, still the separate switch exists, for a reason, not to mix diffent purposes.

"Reverse" is an option that you can find in monitor sections of a lot of mixing consoles for exactly this purpose during mixing.

BTW: "Width" could use a positive range too!
Currently it can only narrow the stereo image.
This is an uncommon limitation.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

The Width parameter is not meant to be an "enhancer" or stereo spread of some kind... It will narrow the image down to mono, and then spread again with channels reversed (-1.00).

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

107 (edited by KaiS 2020-03-09 19:59:14)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Yes, Daniel, of course, as an Audio Pro I do understand that, but it could be.

Again as an Audio Pro I'm used to have controls going across the full possible range without artificial limits.
In Pro equipment "Width" control usually ranges from Mono up to 200% (full difference signals).

It happened by chance that, just as I wrote the posting above, listened to a recording that could have benefit from a little extra spread.
So my proposal is based on real demand.

108 (edited by KaiS 2020-03-10 20:21:08)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I'd like to elaborate a little bit further on this:

For the purpose of stereo image control the effect of switching to "Mono" is completely different to "Reverse" input channels.

"Mono" is perfect to adjust stereo balance to compensate inbalance issues at the end of the signal chain, e.g. headphones, a connected amplifier like a Stax Amp or even a general inbalance of your own ear.

"Mono" alters the signal, phase relationship between left and right (that can "pull" a signal to one side) is eliminated.
The S channel, if you look at stereo as an M/S (mid/side) arrangement, becomes inaudible.

"Reversing" the input channel shows what happens at the beginning of the audio chain.
"Reverse" let's you control if the center location of an instrument that should be centered is correct, taking into account level and phase relationship between left and right channel for this instrument.

The original signal content stays complete and is not altered in any way.

"Reverse" works like a magnifying glass, as it doubles the effect of the location jump (compared to "Mono") for a not completely centered instrument.

This way a stereo "Reverse" switch helps a Pro to do better recordings.

And for the normal listener it helps to find out if an inbalance is already coded into the recording or result of missadjustment of the playback path.

109 (edited by Veiozar 2020-03-12 20:39:41)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests


I own an ADI-2 PRO FS and I see it as endgame for my current (and quite probably future) needs.
As this hobby develops I have a strong feeling that I will be buying more RME products.

That being said, allow me to repeat 3 requests already made by others in a form or other:

1. 10 band EQ.

2. transparent top as the Anniversary Edition has
3. all black housing (as ADI-2 PRO FS R BE fixes this already) or/and all silver, all blue and of course all pink etc. tongue

1st request is the only one that truly matters to me.
It allows a far more granular approach to EQ-ing headphones.

If this "10 band EQ" should be implemented I would buy a 2nd unit on the spot.

I've already been won by this company on several fronts, so a 2nd RME product will follow
nonetheless. smile

Apologies for repeating a request.
Apologies also if this request is unreasonable from a technical & financial point of view.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Feature request: ability to control media functions on the computer via remote: play, stop, next/previous song.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Roon Integration for digital formats.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

There is no such thing. In your thread your request boiled down to a simple label in the respective dialog. It is nothing else, just that. 'Roon integration' means streaming hardware.

Matthias Carstens


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I wish the Flash Update Tool had an option to “Save All Device Settings” which would transfer, via USB, all the settings (Setups, PEQs, Line settings, Phones settings, etc.) from the DAC to the computer. Then, when replacing/upgrading/adding a DAC, I could select from the Flash Update Tool, “Transfer All Settings from File”.

Since I’m getting another ADI-2 DAC for the “office”, I would love to copy the settings from the “home” DAC to the new one quickly so that it was an exact duplicate. That would be cool.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Apply EQ settings for loudspeaker/headphones output from acoustics correction-software files

There are some room acoustics software for pc/mac like "REW Room EQ Wizard", "Sonarworks Reference 4". After acoustic measuring has been done, those apps generate some frequency correction files. This files could somehow get imported inside ADI-2 DAC/PRO and affect the EQ for loudspeaker or headphones, which results in better sound.

Alternatively some sort of online or offline EQ-calculator which imports correction-files and outputs approximate manual settings for EQ band settings of ADI-2 DAC/PRO.

Either way will be very usefull (:


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

The first is not possible in the unit, the second can be done within REW.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

MC wrote:

There is no such thing. In your thread your request boiled down to a simple label in the respective dialog. It is nothing else, just that. 'Roon integration' means streaming hardware.

I think what is requested is not related to 'Roon Ready' network playing functionalities, but to the other level of Roon Partnership: 'Roon Tested' USB DACs, so that Roon can identify the product, automatically setup, according to their testing, the best default DAC configuration, support extra features, show in-app labels, images, links to the manufacturer website and the product's manual, ...

What roonlabs is suggesting "If your favorite product is not showing up as Roon Tested, contact your manufacturer and tell them to get it tested." That is what the request is about, I think.

The fact that the ADI-2 Pro is to be found in the list of roon tested USB DAC's but doesn't show up in-app does not make the picture clearer.

117 (edited by N00b 2020-04-13 16:52:52)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

logik.edv wrote:

Apply EQ settings for loudspeaker/headphones output from acoustics correction-software files

There are some room acoustics software for pc/mac like "REW Room EQ Wizard", "Sonarworks Reference 4". After acoustic measuring has been done, those apps generate some frequency correction files. This files could somehow get imported inside ADI-2 DAC/PRO and affect the EQ for loudspeaker or headphones, which results in better sound.

Alternatively some sort of online or offline EQ-calculator which imports correction-files and outputs approximate manual settings for EQ band settings of ADI-2 DAC/PRO.

Either way will be very usefull (:

As MC said, possible in REW, in the EQ section: Export -> Filter Settings as text smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Hi. I've used the Eq a little but it would be very nice if there was an app for Windows/ Linux or phone that we could control the Eq from. Using software like REW , I can get the room correction settings but it's a lot easier using an interface like the Dayton 408 has to feed these eq settings in. Also an app would allow realtime adjustment and feedback.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Adam_79 wrote:

More EQ colors!!! smile

This; I've requested thius somewhere else already - sorry for the double post, here's what I wrote back then:

[...] my ADI-2 DAC is an integral part of a relatively representative desktop setup...

Is there a chance we can get a few more choices for the color theme(s)? Like, at least the, somewhat toned-down, basic colours like red-, green-, blue-, cyan-, magenta- and yellow-ish hues? Three of those are already there, so only a few would have to be added.

Oh, and maybe a neutral, grey theme would also be rather nice...? ^^

Maybe even a way to dial in our own RGB values for certain parts of the GUI...? big_smile big_smile

Happily using two ADI-2 DACs to enjoy the best thing in life. ^^

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

paulzh wrote:

'Roon Tested' USB DACs, so that Roon can identify the product, automatically setup, according to their testing, the best default DAC configuration, support extra features, show in-app labels, images, links to the manufacturer website and the product's manual, ...

Amusing discussion in this context on the roon forum https://community.roonlabs.com/t/buying … dac/102341.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Marc_G2 wrote:

It would be great if we could get a new set of IR codes that correspond to the 20 EQ presets available.  Otherwise we end up having to use 1 of the 9 setups there are. Which is pretty inconvenient.

I still haven't given up on the idea of this feature getting added.  I'm sure very few will end up using it if it requires a custom remote. But I'd really appreciate it none the less.

Alternatively, you could further stream line switching between presets.  You could have it setup so that it only takes two actions.
1.  Push EQ button (an extra press is needed if you have to switch over from gain selection mode)
2.  Turn knob to select preset
3.  Display automatically switches to main display after 5 seconds (it currently takes 90 seconds)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

paulzh wrote:
paulzh wrote:

'Roon Tested' USB DACs, so that Roon can identify the product, automatically setup, according to their testing, the best default DAC configuration, support extra features, show in-app labels, images, links to the manufacturer website and the product's manual, ...

Amusing discussion in this context on the roon forum https://community.roonlabs.com/t/buying … dac/102341.

Thanks for the good laugh smile

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

paulzh wrote:
MC wrote:

There is no such thing. In your thread your request boiled down to a simple label in the respective dialog. It is nothing else, just that. 'Roon integration' means streaming hardware.

I think what is requested is not related to 'Roon Ready' network playing functionalities, but to the other level of Roon Partnership: 'Roon Tested' USB DACs, so that Roon can identify the product, automatically setup, according to their testing, the best default DAC configuration, support extra features, show in-app labels, images, links to the manufacturer website and the product's manual, ...

What roonlabs is suggesting "If your favorite product is not showing up as Roon Tested, contact your manufacturer and tell them to get it tested." That is what the request is about, I think.

The fact that the ADI-2 Pro is to be found in the list of roon tested USB DAC's but doesn't show up in-app does not make the picture clearer.

I'd like this to be looked at. There are a few things like selecting the right driver in Roon, manually changing MQA Capabilities to No MQA Support etc.

Such a great device, and it is incredible with Roon + DSD 256 - definitely deserves to be added to the lists etc.

124 (edited by rado 2020-04-26 19:21:48)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

My request - make RME ADI-2 work well with Tidal / WASAPI, including frequency auto-switching smile

I can live with RME not supporting MQA.
But I cannot live with drivers being so bad for top Windows Hi-Fi app.

125 (edited by ning 2020-05-02 12:08:04)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I wish in auto-ref mode there's an option to display the volume in the volume meter with regards to the maximum ref level compared to the current ref level.

for instance, in PH 3/4, auto-ref mode, the level switches from to low to high at -15db. So if we play 0db sine wave. At -16db it's in low power mode, the vol meter is displaying -1db (instead of -16db). When turning the vol knob up 1db, it changes suddenly to -15db. pretty unnatural. IMHO auto-ref should work seamlessly ---- vol meter should behave just the same compared to when the highest level is manually selected. User may unaware what the current output level is at (they shouldn't care about it), especially when they haven't turned the "Show Vol Screen" option on.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I have to disagree. The level meter needs to show the real digital level to prevent the user from causing overloads, either by choosing the wrong ref level manually or by using EQ boost etc.

In your example the -1 dB is exactly what is left as digital headroom. Showing -16 as with the volume control will remove an important tool to notice when the whole system is not working as it should - free of distortion, and would be misleading in a technical sense as well.

Matthias Carstens


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I fully agree with you in this case. The current method is a must have feature and works perfectly.  I was just asking if it is possible to leave an option for those who need the alternative. People may have different use cases, such as understanding how loud the output is in real-time , without checking what ref levels they are at. Just my two cents.

128 (edited by KaiS 2020-05-03 13:15:24)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

A problem might be that, for technical reasons, every of RME ADI-2's outputs has a different maximum level, Line Out balanced, Line Out unbalanced, Headphones Outs, (DAC's) IEM Out.

Line Out unbalanced does not follow balanced at/above +24dB reference level, but switches back 5dB when you dial up across +24dB Ref. transition, and back up in the other direction - strange BTW when you use the unbalanced Line Out.
(Not how I had designed it).

For Heaphones Out you already have the "Impedance based Level Meters PH 1-4", see manual page 89, witch auto adjusts the meters.

The current "dBr" reading on the Vol. display, in conjunction with the blue Ref. Level line — +4dBu, +13dBu, +24dBu — (although absolute values only refer to balanced out and unbalanced below +24dBu Ref.) gives as much information as possible.

I must admit that before getting used to all this and reading the manual I was confused with the level and vol. situation and display too.
I think, that's the price you have to pay for the great versatility.

Finally ADI-2 Pro sounds great, extends the usability of my headphones by a large margin, and levels I always dial in by what I hear anyway.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Adam_79 wrote:

More EQ colors!!! smile

I'd love to have a all white color option for the analyzer view smile

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

1. Visual indication for EQ on/off or maybe in the next generation for the EQ key button backlight.
2. More EQ bands


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

RME ADI-2 DAC FS "v2" should include coaxial and optical SPDIF *output*, would make the device truly all-in-one desktop solution smile

132 (edited by N00b 2020-05-13 03:04:36)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

KaiS wrote:
rado wrote:

RME ADI-2 DAC FS "v2" should include coaxial and optical SPDIF *output*, would make the device truly all-in-one desktop solution smile

It's already there, input AND output.

SPDIF optical is on the back.
SPDIF coax and AES is via the included breakout cable, that goes to the D-SUB-9 connector.

See manual page 51.

For the Pro you are right KaiS, but not for the DAC (Rado message is about the DAC wink ).
No D-SUB-9 connector on the DAC: only coaxial and optical SPDIF inputs.

However, on the DAC, one of the SPDIF signal can be routed into the USB (search in the manual for "Record SPDIF").

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

133 (edited by N00b 2020-05-17 18:35:22)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Hi here!

Not really a feature request but more a "finishing polish" remark.
I have the new remote, and when setting the balance with it, I find the "sticky" center "C" position too short in time, and I often miss it. Half a second longer would be more convenient IMHO smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

134 (edited by Curt962 2020-05-17 18:55:04)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

N00b, leave the Finns, and Poles out of it. big_smile

Picky Picky!!  smile:):)

You know I'm joking...

Your Edit...still left us Kaszuby bearing ALL the Guilt, and Shame.   D)

Na ja..



Vintage 2018 ADI-2 DAC. "Classic AKM4490 Edition"
Cables:  Red, and White Ones.
Speakers:  Yes


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

There is one behavior I dont like. When "show volume display" is enabled, you'll run into situation like this:

Let's say the bottom volume channel selection rectangle is at 1/2 and the spectrum display is at 1/2 initially.

The expected behavior:
1. [user action] Turn volume knob.
2. The "volume display" appears.
3. The "volume display" disappears.
4. [user action] Press volume knob
5. selection rectangle is moved to 3/4. spectrum display is at 3/4.

If we do 4 before 3, it will have an unintuitive (at least for me) behavior :
1. [user action] Turn volume knob.
2. The "volume display" appears.
3. [user action] Press volume knob  <- do this before the volume display disappears
4. The "volume display" disappears.
5. selection rectangle is moved to 3/4. spectrum display is at 1/2.

Also, I hope there's a way to assign different spectrum color to different input and output. This way I will have very clear understanding of the channel I'm looking at.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Another feature request: When a channel is muted in the Settings menu, physically disconnect its relay...
I'm not sure how much energy it will save. It's getting really hot in the city I live in. Hopefully that could reduce the temperature of Pro if I'm not even using that channel...


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

ning wrote:

There is one behavior I dont like. When "show volume display" is enabled, you'll run into situation like this:

Let's say the bottom volume channel selection rectangle is at 1/2 and the spectrum display is at 1/2 initially.

The expected behavior:
1. [user action] Turn volume knob.
2. The "volume display" appears.
3. The "volume display" disappears.
4. [user action] Press volume knob
5. selection rectangle is moved to 3/4. spectrum display is at 3/4.

If we do 4 before 3, it will have an unintuitive (at least for me) behavior :
1. [user action] Turn volume knob.
2. The "volume display" appears.
3. [user action] Press volume knob  <- do this before the volume display disappears

You might have overlooked that you switch the volume display from 1/2 to 3/4.

ning wrote:

4. The "volume display" disappears.
5. selection rectangle is moved to 3/4. spectrum display is at 1/2.

Because that was the volume that you just selected and changed. It might be useful to change the Analyzer to 3/4 too, but IMHO we discussed this earlier and  decided not to touch it in such a seldom case.

ning wrote:

Also, I hope there's a way to assign different spectrum color to different input and output. This way I will have very clear understanding of the channel I'm looking at.

That will not come, sorry. There is a clear top naming/labelliung that we consider sufficent.

Matthias Carstens


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Those relays are really low power and don't contribute much to total power consumption. But of course every little bit helps.
Good ventilation and ability to freely radiate heat is required, and the best way to get this is placing the unit at an angle, even almost vertical, so that passive air convection is readily established and the bottom surface can radiate into free space.

139 (edited by KaiS 2020-05-29 05:35:53)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

A feature request that doesn't take a single Bit inside the ADI-2's:

Set up and release an RME-album in the streaming services, especially those that offer uncompressed audio, with repeated RME Bit Test signals as content.

Could contain some other useful measurement signals too.

140 (edited by Sebastian.Athea 2020-05-27 17:29:25)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I just realized I posted my suggestions in the wrong thread so I'll repost them here, sorry for the confusion.

Hello everyone, as always, I'm not an software engineer and I don't know how difficult some of the ideas would be to implement or if they would brick something, those are meant as suggestions, not demands.

-add an option to disable (lock out) auto source (I tend to switch to it unintentionally).

-add bit depth and other digital signal input stats to details screen.

-add icons or some other way to indicate if dsps like crossfeed or eq are enabled on all the screens.

-add an option for linear volume control aka option to disable volume knob acceleration, it makes it needlessly hard to adjust volume to specific value without looking at the display.

-add a “mastering” screen; in my workflow I use a lot of different eqs, mono modes etc. etc.
input signal status and vu meters are also really important, as a result I end up scrolling thru a lot of different screens whenever I change input or output device to make sure everything is set up correctly. A screen that combines VU meters with details screen and input signal status (bit depth etc.),  would greatly improve the quality of life and usability.

-add more functionality to bass/treble knobs, they have so much potential and yet are assigned to functions I haven't seen any audiophile, let alone pros use.


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

-add icons or some other way to indicate if dsps like crossfeed or eq are enabled on all the screens.

I'd love this too!


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

KSTR wrote:

Good ventilation and ability to freely radiate heat is required, and the best way to get this is placing the unit at an angle, even almost vertical, so that passive air convection is readily established and the bottom surface can radiate into free space.

horizontal mounting shortens the lifetime of capacitors significantly.
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/ … #msg659126

the rubber feet of adi-2 pro is pretty short, leaving very little room below the case.

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

glitchesbrew wrote:
Adam_79 wrote:

More EQ colors!!! smile

I'd love to have a all white color option for the analyzer view smile



Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Nobody needs glass fiber cable for 192 kHz over TOSLINK. Just the opposite, that crap is highly incompatible due to wrong damping factor, overloading the optical receiver chip.

Matthias Carstens


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

That doesn't change the fact that all RME units for more than 15 years support 192 kHz via TOSLINK because we use the right (capable) 25 Mbps Toslink receiver and transmitter units - which work with standard POF cables of up to 10 meters. Too often clueless engineers use optical modules that are specced for 15 Mbps and therefore fail with 176.4 and 192 kHz.

Your problem might be caused by the 'active TOS switch'. See example for a working unit:

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 63#p149763

and a not working unit:

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 78#p149378

Glass fiber does not include the damping that is expected with POF. Overloaded receivers will not always fail completely, but their jitter rises exponentially.

Matthias Carstens


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Basicly this is a feature request thread and should stay like this, so this whole discussion should be shifted into a new thread (Matthias?).

Out of curiosity: 
Sebastian, what diameter has the visible light output of your glass optical fiber TOSLINK cables?
Is it as fine as the glasfiber itself or same size like the Plastic Optical Fiber / POF TOSLINK ones?

According to damping: with a very short POF cable the damping would be limited to what happens on the coupling, that doesn't need to be much with properly polished ends.

So, Matthias, does this mean with a very short POF optical cable you get much more jitter than with a longer one?

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

~I deleted my off topic posts

148 (edited by Siemak 2020-06-28 10:16:00)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

MC wrote:

Nobody needs glass fiber cable for 192 kHz over TOSLINK. Just the opposite, that crap is highly incompatible due to wrong damping factor, overloading the optical receiver chip.

Hi Matthias, it looks like some posts were deleted, but it's confusing me now. What is wrong using glass toslink for 192kHz?   

I'm using / QED Reference Optical Quartz  / 1.5m long  cable and it works fine for me.

149 (edited by ramses 2020-06-28 09:39:27)

Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

I am not Matthias .. but ...
Usual TOSLINKS (sender / receiver) are designed to work within certain specs.
If you use glass, then the dampening is much lower so you might overload the receiver on the other side.
Using glass doesn't give you any "tonal" or "quality" advantage.
You only risk that certain TOSLINK receivers might get problems.

Similar in the network area, you do not plug multimode cables into single mode adapters and vice versa.
Simply stay within the specs, that the best approach to prevent issues.

In regards to 192 kHz.

RME uses TOSLINKS that from bandwidth perspective really support 192 kHz with the normal TOSLINK cables.
The quality of the RME TOSLINKS is so good, that I can even reliably use this setup

UFX+ - 15m TOSLINK cable (Mutec) - 4:1 TOSLINK switcher - 1m TOSLINK cable - ADI-2 Pro FS R BE.

So in total this are even 16m and a TOSLINK switcher in between. Dunno, maybe it refreshes the signal.

And I have absolutely no issue to play music bit perfect "end to end" (am using my PC as music player).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests

Hi there! smile
I don't know if that would be possible, but concerning the great dynamic loudness feature, it would be very convenient to have the possibility to choose a different Low Vol Ref for each source.
For instance, my TV is connected via optical and is about -22 LUFS (thanks Digicheck!), but the coaxial and USB are more about -8 to -6 LUFS (I use them for music). So I must change the Low Vol Ref if I switch between TV and music... Or choose to use Dynamic Loudness only for the TV or the music, it's a shame... smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables