Topic: using Fireface 802 as 5.1 surround soundcard
I am using my 802 as a 5.1 soundcard in win10. By default, win10 recognize the 802 as multiple stereo soundcard and it cannot map with 5.1 decoding software to get 5.1 out. After I configure AN1/2 as 5.1 in the win10 sound configure, it is recognized as a 5.1 sound card and the Center/Sub will automatically map to AN3/4, surround map to AN5/6. This is all fine before I restart my PC.
The nightmare has come every time I reboot my PC. The win10 seems does not remember my configure and recognize the AN1/2 as stereo at every reboot. Then I need to do the 5.1 configure over and over again on every reboot. It's like haunted
Is there any solution to let win10 remember the 5.1 setting? Is it a driver issue?