Topic: MADIFace Expresscard not working properly with Metric Halo
I've a question. Im a long time user of the Digiface, but since I needed more channels I recently bought a second hand MADIface Expresscard to hook it up to my Windows running Mac Mini 2018.
(I do this beause I use Metric Halo converters and their windows support for 3d, announced in 2015, is still to be awaited...)
Anyhow. I have the sonnet adapter, this all works like a charm!
Now I run into the following:
I have a external WC.
If I run it on 44k1 or 88k2, all good.
If I want to run it on 176k4, things go wrong:
The RME does not see the right SR and gets no sync.
If I run the RME as master clock, it acts strange to as the Metric Halo says it gets 44k1 as SR IN. but get no lock.
I have no other MADI gear to test with, but hope you can help me to sort things out. I dont know if the problem is in the MADIFace or the Metric Halo, or both. Or a cable.
By the way I tried both copper and optical, same resuilt.
I have some screenshots but see no way to easily use them here.
If nessecary I'll supply them.
Thanks in advance!