Topic: MADIFace Expresscard not working properly with Metric Halo


I've a question. Im a long time user of the Digiface, but since I needed more channels I recently bought a second hand MADIface Expresscard to hook it up to my Windows running Mac Mini 2018.
(I do this beause I use Metric Halo converters and their windows support for 3d, announced in 2015, is still to be awaited...)
Anyhow. I have the sonnet adapter, this all works like a charm!

Now I run into the following:
I have a external WC.
If I run it on 44k1 or 88k2, all good.
If I want to run it on 176k4, things go wrong:

The RME does not see the right SR and gets no sync.
If I run the RME as master clock, it acts strange to as the Metric Halo says it gets 44k1 as SR IN. but get no lock.

I have no other MADI gear to test with, but hope you can help me to sort things out. I dont know if the problem is in the MADIFace or the Metric Halo, or both. Or a cable.

By the way I tried both copper and optical, same resuilt.
I have some screenshots but see no way to easily use them here.
If nessecary I'll supply them.

Thanks in advance!


Re: MADIFace Expresscard not working properly with Metric Halo

176.4k is only supported as 48k Frame format with RME. So MADI is indeed 44.1 kHz, but with SMUX4 active. I do not know what MH is doing at those rates. Maybe you just have to set the sample rate correctly, as it can not be identified automatically as 176!

Matthias Carstens

Re: MADIFace Expresscard not working properly with Metric Halo

Hi Mathias,
Thanks for your reply. I'll try and eventually get back to you.
At least for now I know that the 44k1 /48k frame what RME control panel reports is not faulty.

I assume you follow the MADI standards isn't it?


Re: MADIFace Expresscard not working properly with Metric Halo


Matthias Carstens