Topic: How well is MADI implemented by other manufacturers?
I'm using a UFX+ (Master, all clocks via MADI) with several MADI devices:
- RME Octamic XTC (+ Octamic 8 via Adat on the XTC)
- Lynx Aurora 16 with MADI-Option
- Antelope Orio32+ via MADI
I'm suspecting the Orion to cause some problems:
1. It doesn't seem to forward any Midi-over-MADI Data.
I have to use a Midi-Cable in order to control the XTC in TotalMix.
2. I can't set any MADI Device-ID inside the Orion Software
(if that miserable attempt at programming can even be called software... You guys truly spoilt me!)
This just doesn't seem right to me - how can the delay compensation work if there's no device-ID?
Even the Lynx has an on-board jumper to set it.
Am I missing something here?
I also suspect the Orion to mess with the total roundtrip latency of my system.
The roundtrip latency changes daily, so I'm forced to set it manually every time for outboard use
(the driver-reported latency stays stable, but the measured ping is between 10-16 additional samples,
whatever the latency-du-jour.)
Anyone have any advice or tips to try?