Topic: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic


I’m having some difficulties getting my RME Babyface Snow Edition to operate. I’m the sole owner of it - I bought it 5 years ago new but was using it on a different computer. I’m trying to get it set up on my new computer but it won’t work. Here’s what I tried:

For the driver, I downloaded the top listed driver which says it's for Catalina 10.15 but mine is Catalina 10.15.3 - Is that the right driver I should be selecting?

The download worked and I have TotalMix and Fireface showing up on my computer fine.

When I try to get my microphone to record, nothing is coming through - it’s not picking up a signal.

After watching your videos on your website about driver downloads and updates, I realized I may need the Flash Update too. I downloaded it but it won’t open. So when I click that icon, absolutely nothing happens so I can’t follow along with the rest of the instructions from the video.

The Babyface itself lights up so it is connected properly, as is my mic and phantom power unit.

According to this forum, as long as my DAW has been given permission to access my microphone - it has - I should be able to get it signal. But it still doesn’t.

My set-up works with my other audio interface no problem so it’s not a hardware issue. And now we’ve determined it’s not a permissions issue.

I tried it all with a different DAW as well and it’s still not picking up a signal.

My mic cords work with my other audio interface the Scarlett 2i2 - so it’s not that.

I set up RME in my computer’s sounds as well as my DAW's preferences so it’s not that.

I turned loopback on on the bottom left AN 1/2 channel - nothing.

There is a signal showing up on my Babyface AND TotalMix as well - the only thing that isn't showing a signal is my DAW but I think I have that configured correctly.

So I’m thinking it’s either the flash driver not being able to update preventing me from recording OR I have something set incorrectly in TotalMix OR I downloaded an incorrect driver? Or something to do with my DAW (Twisted Wave and I also tried it on Audacity)?

Unless someone can think of something else?

Please let me know if you can help me.

Many thanks.

2 (edited by waedi 2021-03-12 23:56:49)

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Can you see the firmware number in the Fireface USB setting ?
Have you access to another computer, Windows Notebook iMac whatever for running the flashtool ?

Can you do a Total Reset in Totalmix ?

In your DAW please check out input 3 as source for the track, it is possible the mic signal arrives there instead of at input one.

And can you listen music out of the Babyface headphone or main out ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

TotalMix also needs the Mic permission.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Total Mix doesn't show up as an option in my computer mic permissions, only my DAW.


Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

You downloaded and installed driver 3.20?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Yes, correct. And I tried to download the flash update as well but that wouldn't open on my computer.

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Did you try this one ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

8 (edited by emeseg 2021-03-14 01:46:37)

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Yes that's the exact one (as I just clicked on it and it indicated the file was a (1) meaning a copy of the one I have downloaded). I can't imagine why it wouldn't open.


Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

The Flash update is a zip file. Finder should open a window and expand the file automatically. If that doesn't work re-download it. You should also re-download the driver 3.20 and install it again. Maybe TM FX is then shown for mic access.

Matthias Carstens

10 (edited by emeseg 2021-03-14 16:32:12)

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

I first updated my OS from Catalina 10.15.3 to 10.15.7 and then deleted and re-downloaded both the driver and the flash drive. TotalMix FX still won't show up in my Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Microphone. The 2 DAW's I'm using show up there though.

The flash drive downloads to my computer, I can unzip it and get the "RME USB Series Flash Tool" logo to show up but when I click on it, absolutely nothing happens.

One thing - I tried listening to something recorded on my DAW through TotalMix and that did work. I had to unmute the "Main" channel on the bottom right and I could hear through my left headphone only for some reason.

The 7th from the top right channel "AS1/2" was moving with the audio I was playing, and the 2nd from the right "AS 1/2" channel on the bottom was also moving.

The top left channel "AN1/2" is moving up and down as I clap in front of my mic so it IS picking up a signal - it's just not translating to my DAW.

Another thing I can try is to upgrade from Catalina to Big Sur 11.2.3 which means I would be downloading a different driver. My only concern is sometimes a new OS will make other things not work properly on my computer and I'm concerned it may effect my back-up Interface and I won't be able to record anything at all. But if you think it can help me with this and is safe, I'll try it.

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

waedi wrote:

Can you see the firmware number in the Fireface USB setting ?
Have you access to another computer, Windows Notebook iMac whatever for running the flashtool ?

Can you do a Total Reset in Totalmix ?

In your DAW please check out input 3 as source for the track, it is possible the mic signal arrives there instead of at input one.

And can you listen music out of the Babyface headphone or main out ?

Hello and thank you for your thoughtful reply. I'm not a pro at this so it took me a while to figure out everything you were asking me to do. Here are the answers to your questions:

the firmware number in the Fireface USB setting - Firmware v204, Driver v3.20

Can you do a Total Reset in Totalmix ? - Yes I just did that.

In your DAW please check out input 3 as source for the track, it is possible the mic signal arrives there instead of at input one. - I just checked and when I clap my hands in front of the mic it's showing up in AN 1/2 but that's what I have my DAW channels set to on the advice of an audio engineer. He said make my DAW Input Channel 1: Mic/Line 1 and my Output Channel 5 - ADAT/SPDIF 1

And can you listen music out of the Babyface headphone or main out ? Yes out of Main on the very bottom right.

Also, please see my other replies for more info on what I've tried.

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Since when is the handclapping showing up in the DAW under input 1 ?
What have you done ?
So then the problem is solved ?
Great !

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

But the thing is... it's not showing up in my DAW sadly so I can't record. For some reason the mixer input is not communicating with my DAW which is what I'm trying to accomplish.

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

And which DAW is that? How are the routings in Totalmix? Tried switchting to Totalmix DAW Mode?

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Ah sorry I thought you mean the handclapping showing up in AN1/2 in the DAW, but you meant AN1/2 in Totalmix.

Did you activated the track in the DAW for recording ? Push the button R on the track.
In my case in Logic I have to do so for making the input signal visible.
You also just can start recording and see if there is something showing up.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Yowah wrote:

And which DAW is that? How are the routings in Totalmix? Tried switchting to Totalmix DAW Mode?

It's called Twisted Wave and the channels have been assigned as follows: DAW Input Channel 1: Mic/Line 1 and my Output Channel 5 - ADAT/SPDIF 1

Does that answer your question or were you asking something else? I'm not very tech savvy.

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

waedi wrote:

Ah sorry I thought you mean the handclapping showing up in AN1/2 in the DAW, but you meant AN1/2 in Totalmix.

Did you activated the track in the DAW for recording ? Push the button R on the track.
In my case in Logic I have to do so for making the input signal visible.
You also just can start recording and see if there is something showing up.

It's okay, sorry if I'm being confusing - I'm very lost myself!

Did you activated the track in the DAW for recording ? Push the button R on the track. - I believe so, the channels on my DAW (Twisted Wave) have been assigned as follows: DAW Input Channel 1: Mic/Line 1 and my Output Channel 5 - ADAT/SPDIF 1 - do you think that's correct?

You also just can start recording and see if there is something showing up. - There is absolutely nothing showing up when I record - it's a flatline.

18 (edited by waedi 2021-03-14 23:01:14)

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

Never heard of this DAW before, interesting, it is a free software for private use.
There is no track to activate, it is a simple single track recorder with some effect editing features.
Very nice ! Hey Audio units effects accessable, noise reduction, there is a lot inside (for free !)
I just recorded a music file, playing out of the finder, with Loopback on 1/2, no problem it recorded it in stereo over the Digiface USB Totalmix.
I have to admit, the sound does not show up in the DAW.
I had to press the record button to start recording and there it is.
Same with the Macbook built-in mic, it is recording it but no signal pegel is shown without recording.
During recording the pegel is show as estimated.
This DAW is great for speech recording and editing. Comparable to Audacity.
You can let the output channel at one, further routing has to be made in Totalmix.
A Baby-DAW for Babyface

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

I was almost replying about the *DAW...
well, ok then.

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

waedi wrote:

Never heard of this DAW before, interesting, it is a free software for private use.
There is no track to activate, it is a simple single track recorder with some effect editing features.
Very nice ! Hey Audio units effects accessable, noise reduction, there is a lot inside (for free !)
I just recorded a music file, playing out of the finder, with Loopback on 1/2, no problem it recorded it in stereo over the Digiface USB Totalmix.
I have to admit, the sound does not show up in the DAW.
I had to press the record button to start recording and there it is.
Same with the Macbook built-in mic, it is recording it but no signal pegel is shown without recording.
During recording the pegel is show as estimated.
This DAW is great for speech recording and editing. Comparable to Audacity.
You can let the output channel at one, further routing has to be made in Totalmix.
A Baby-DAW for Babyface

Hello Waedi!

I just discovered that MacOS Catalina is 64 bit and possibly TotalMix is 32 bit unless I'm mistaken? Could that be the issue?

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

emeseg wrote:

I just discovered that MacOS Catalina is 64 bit and possibly TotalMix is 32 bit unless I'm mistaken? Could that be the issue?

Umm, have you counted the bits by hand?

Check your Totalmix routings, it sounds like its not set up correctly.

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

As soon as the application is running, you can forget the 64 or 32 bit thing.
The chip architecture of the computer allows you to run both software versions or only one of them.
They don't bite each other.
Catalina is 64 Bit ? OK then you must have a Mac with 64 Bit chip architecture.
The old iMac can not be upgraded to newer OS ? We have to buy a new Mac ?
What company does that to us !?
Totalmix is 32 bit software ? It can run on every computer ?
What company does that to us ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface Snow + MacBook Pro MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 not picking up mic

MC wrote:

The Flash update is a zip file. Finder should open a window and expand the file automatically. If that doesn't work re-download it. You should also re-download the driver 3.20 and install it again. Maybe TM FX is then shown for mic access.

Do you think I would have any success if I upgraded my OS from Catalina to Big Sur? Because then I would need to download the other driver you have and maybe that will show up in my permissions?