Topic: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

This question has been prompted by an observation made by another user in topic

He stated there that "It seems that AIO Pro is not that well optimized as the AIO, as one user has stated, and there must be something off with my setup too"

While this thought was debunked by RME Support, I have noticed something strange happening with the AIO Pro card that I never observed with the 'old' AIO card. I actually have both cards installed in the same PC, everything working great with both cards apart from the following issue.
OK, let me get the groans out of the way first, I am running Logic Audio Platinum 5.5.1 under Windows 10 Pro (please don't ask), all latest patches, firmware, drivers etc.

With the AIO Pro I get two issues - one if the buffer size (DSP settings) is  too small, another if it gets too large. Trouble is, finding the optimal buffer size between the two is almost impossible, as I will now explain. As I said, I never had these issues with the old AIO.

With a buffer size of 512 or even 1024, after a few recording 'takes' the dreaded audio 'crackling' begins to appear (most will immediately know what I'm talking about).
And of course with a buffer size of 2048, when played back the recorded tracks are out of sync with tracks already recorded.

I should mention that the ASIO buffer settings within Logic Audio cause similar behaviour (although the settings there are fairly coarse, being just small, medium and large). 'Small' tends to be too small,  'Medium' can be either too large or too small depending on the occasion and 'Large' tends to be too large !

Can anyone please shed any light on this? I think I'm missing something! I have a workaround by relaunching Logic Audio far too often (either directly or by changing the DSP buffer size) but that is a real pain during a recording session. And WHY did I never have this issue with the old AIO card? But don't ask me to go back - the AIO Pro is fantastic ...

Re: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

Hi, I know you've said "please don't ask" but to be very honest, your whole scenario has so many problems, that it is impossible to work around it. The last Logic version for Windows was not made for Windows 10 or modern hardware or even having a 64 bit architecture in mind. Actually I'm impressed that its even somewhat running on Windows 10...
Thats why I think it is impossible to narrow down what exactly the issue might be as there are possibly 100 of different "issue vectors" in this scenario. The only thing that comes to my mind is, make sure everything works fine in a compatible DAW. If that proofs to be the case you at least have the knowledge that there is no hardware/drivers/Windows 10 issue going on. The only thing left well... is the fact that you're trying to work with a software that has not been updated for this platform in 20 years. Sorry to say that buddy but I don't believe that his can work out in the end.

Re: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

I knew there was going to be someone who would say that mate (I suspect you are a one-eyed Mac fan, sorry if I'm wrong). But  things in general are still working perfectly here (I am a retired IT pro who knows the pros and cons, the ins and outs), and you still have not explained the change that has occurred between the AIO and the AIO Pro ...

Re: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

Well the AIO Pro is a new product including a new version of the driver used for the whole
product lineup. So it is not surprising to me that things behave differently with that in mind. I can assure you that I‘m not an apple fan boy but someone who uses whatever makes the most sense to me personally. I would also like to add that I‘m a IT person with more than 20 years of background in that field. Not sure if that qualifies me for anything but so far it was not in the way of things either. It may work out for you in the end but I personally would simply not enjoy all the trouble and work with it because it would simply steal the time to actually make music. Sorry but I guess I can’t be any more helpful and can only wish you good luck that it somehow turns out working for you again smile

Re: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

Buying a brand new card with that configuration is asking for trouble.

I think you should troubleshoot yourself, given your supposed qualifications.

I would assume, having no qualifications, that naturally a lot of "changes has occured" it being a brand new card with new components.........................


Re: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

Using two cards with ASIO they must be synchronized. You did not mention that you did that (see manual), and what you describe is exactly what will happen then.

Are you on firmware v20 with the Pro?

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

Thank you Matthias, it's great to hear some constructive advice !!
Yes firmware for the Pro is at version 20.
Will check out the synchronisation, I had not done that.

Re: [Solved] AIO Pro vs AIO - BUFFERS

Thanks to Matthias the problem is solved and I am grateful. I had previously RTFM but I had wrongly thought that the synch patch via the supplied cable was not necessary on Windows because of no 'aggregation' being available. There is still life in Logic Audio 5.5.1, it is working beautifully again despite the negative comments!