Topic: Connecting two HDSP 9632s, which cable?

From the manual:

"Connection to SYNC OUT of another card. This internal SPDIF connection can be used to synchronize  multiple  cards  with  sample  accuracy,  and  without  the  need  for  an  external connection. The card of which SYNC OUT is used will be master, the SYNC IN one will be slave. SPDIF In / Internal has to be selected in the Settings dialog. Additionally Pref. Sync Ref has to be set to SPDIF In for this internal connection to work properly. Please note that the external SPDIF- or AES input can no longer be used then."

What specific cable is it that I need to connect the two cards? I'd like to order one.

Re: Connecting two HDSP 9632s, which cable?

Having two cards you also should have two of these cables.
May be it's somewhere in the packing stuff in the box ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by ramses 2021-05-07 17:39:45)

Re: Connecting two HDSP 9632s, which cable? … 76#p112076 (also documented in manual ch2 "Package Contents").

Otherwise this one could help: … ble-3-pin/

Three-pin RME sync cable for internal word clock connections, also for HDSPe 9632...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: Connecting two HDSP 9632s, which cable?

Thanks that was just what I needed to know.