Topic: Routing problem AN 1 to PH 11-12
Hello everyone,
I can't find the answer on YouTube or on this forum.
I'm excited! I just got a RME FF 802. I have a MacBookPro running Catalina 10.15.7
I went through some problems having the interface recognized by the OS. But all is solved now. It was a Security Setting to perform within 30 minutes not mentioned either in the Manual or RME's website.
The Problem
I can now hear a YouTube video on my computer in my headphones (plugged in CH 11-12 in the RME FF 802).
I can also see the input from my Mic AN 1 and in the Main in TotalMix. But I don't see any movement on my Software Playback and my Hardward Outputs, even if I raise faders' levels. Therefore I can't hear my voice in the headphones. I wish I could upload a screenshot to this forum.
It might be very simple to solve but, can't find anything on the topic.
Thank you to those who take the time.