Topic: Using the UCX AD/DA converters for mastering with hardware?
Hello all!
Would the UCX's built in converters be good enough for me to use outboard hardware units for mastering?
I have been using the UCX since 2013 (8 years) for my music production and it honestly has been one of the best purchases I made as far as sound quality is concerned. Now I am at the point of wanting moving into engineering as a career and I am currently studying a course to achieve this.
I have been mastering ITB for the longest time and now want to expand that to some hardware units such as the SSL fusion or Neve Portico II for example. I actually asked this question to David Gnozzi at MixBusTV and he replied with this video:
TLDR is he said that there are good options for colour boxes but there is no point buying those things unless you have a good way to capture those units, and also a way to monitor them with good speakers and acoustics etc.
I will admit that I have very little acoustic treatment right now but this will be getting sorted in the near future. I currently use the Adam A77x's as my monitoring speakers on heavy isolation stands. They are not the super high tier monitors but they are also not budget tier either and have served me well for the last 6 years+.
I have also been looking at the ADI-2 FS as a possible upgrade the UCX, if that's needed at all? And if it is worth doing would I then just use the UCX as the I/O and then do the conversion on the ADI-2 FS?
So, again, my question is that would the UCX's converters be ok for this kind of application?
Thanks in advance