They asked for a wishlist, so here‘s my take.
I will add more ideas over time:
• Pentacon balanced coupled to Output 3/4 only, instead of additionally occupying Output 1/2.
The existing Dual DAC based “Balance Mode” might stay too, to squeeze out a few dB more signal quality.
• TotalMix FX support.
• Option to mix Analog In with a digital / USB source for lowest latency direct monitoring while playing or singing along.
• More digital gain range on the analog ins to (mis-)use them as microphone inputs.
• Unlimited number of EQ Presets.
• Possibility to export and import EQ and maybe other settings.
• Filters and other settings to change the device into a 2-way speaker X-Over, maybe in a special “Mode” like:
- Shapes: Bessel, Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley.
- Slopes 6, 12, 18, 24 dB/Oct.
- Filter Q.
- Phase-shift.
- Delay.
• Added options in the channel routing:
LEFT (only) - LEFT (to both) - REVERSE - STEREO - MONO - RIGHT (to both) - RIGHT (only).
The “only” kind of duplicates what “Pan”-Control does, but still...
• Extended Stereo Width Range: up to 200% (= full spread) - 100 (= normal stereo) - 0 % (= mono)
• 10 Bands of EQ (although I am REALLY satisfied with the current 7 bands!).
• Auto Reference Level range extended by 3 additional steps down (this could be in form of an integrated Passive Attenuator of e.g. 20 dB.
This would use just one more 2x2 Relay for each output.
• AES out, independent Direct/DSP routing from SPDIF (Optical+Coax) outs.
• Digital ins and outs as additional separated DSP channels with their own routing, similar to the existing analog I/O’s.
Or maybe just one extra DSP channel designated “Digital Output” that can be selected or bypassed for AES and/or SPDIF.
Enough to fully use the extended DSP