Re: ADI-2/4 Prototyp
I'd like to match it exactly to 21dBu if possible, but am finding the L/R Trim Gain settings a little confusing. Should I:
A) Set it to 19dBu and both the Trim Gains to +2.0dB to achieve 21dBu
B) Set it to 24dBu and both the Trim Gains to +3.0dB to achieve 21dBu
Use B), Ref Level:+24 dB and Trim Gain Left / Right: +3 dB.
Trim Gain range is 0 to +6 dB additional gain, no negative range, so A) wouldn’t work.
A negative trim in the digital domain wouldn’t be recommended anyway, you could never reach 0 dBFS / fullscale and would lose all warning lights that the AD is already overdriven.
According Ref Levels:
• On the inputs, higher value means LESS analog Gain before the AD converter, you need more level to fully drive the AD.
• On the outputs it’s just the other way round, higher Ref Level means MORE analog gain after the DA converter, louder.