1 (edited by lewis71980 2008-08-15 22:17:11)

Topic: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

Will Digicheck / Totalmix eventually be vector based rather than raster based? So it can be scaled.


Re: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

Try version 5. We changed it to vector in some places. But the analyzer and Totalyzer will stay bitmap for some time.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

Hi thanks, tried it. The parts that you changed scale really nicely. (e.g. Surround audio scope).

Re: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

I would love if this feature request came into fruition - I have a Lilluput 7" screen purely for DigiCheck. It works well I just wish I could maximise the Tolalizer to occupy the full screen. This would make DigiCheck a totally amazing tool.

Re: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

This is how I have setup my DigiCheck. When my PC starts DigiCheck automatically starts on the Lillput monitor http://i.imgur.com/LhcrHYg.jpg

Re: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

How do you get that to happen? (digicheck opening on windows startup).
Is it possible to save a TM workspace, and a digicheck window, save, and then on next startup, both appear without any opening required. This would solve a little niggle I have- setting it all up before each time I use TM/digicheck/audio software.

7 (edited by ramses 2020-07-29 08:21:26)

Re: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

I anchored RME startup icon to the Taskbar on the bottom of the Windows GUI.

On rightclick to the RME icon I get a nice list of last started up DIGIcheck workspaces
and can even choose one or more favourites.

So its simply one "rightclick" with a mouse to get what you want.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Move from Bitmaps to Vectors

Dr Ramses, that's good enough for me. Gonna give it a go right now