1 (edited by jesill 2022-10-19 19:42:51)

Topic: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Hello again,

unfortunately I am back:  I want to integrate my new Babyface pro fs in a mix-setting with Raydat: 2 Apogee Rosettas, conected via adat to the Raydat card, are sending 16 analog signals to a summing box. From this box, Iwant to feed the babyface inputs with the analog signal and lead it back to logic via Babyface digital when mixing. At once, I want to listen back through the Babyface main outputs -> Monitor inputs. The Babyface ist connected to the Raydat via 2 Adat cables. If I plug the USB, the whole syncronisation gets dizzy, if I run the babyface as a main device via usb, everything is ok, but stand alone (external Power supply) with only ADAT Llghtpipes there is only an input signal, but no output signal.
The syncing is no problem, BF syncs perfectly to Raydat and vice versa.
The total mix (Raydat) doesn`t recognize the digital signal from the babyface. No SPDIF, no Adat. The babyface inputs show a signal, but it isn`t routed through the digital connection to Raydat / Total mix.  Can somebody tell me, how to adjust the Babyface for routing the signal to the outputs? SPDIF? ADAT?  The description in the manual is very detailled with TotalMix, but very few in stand alone modus description.
Or running 2 TotalMix windows? But they seem to work independently, so I have no idea how to get the signol from BF into logic...

Thanks in advance

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

you should be able to see all your  O/I in your DAW from both units, then you can send the signal from your DAW stereo or mono to your desired channel, in TM and or the Apogee software mixer

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Thank you, I see all O/I in Logic. I don't use Apogee mix, the rosettas are just ad/da converters. TotalMix also works without any daw software.  But I can't seem to route the incomming signal to analog and digital output at once.

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

P.S. BF settings: Clock Mode sync, single speed (I record at 48 khz), Copy mode on, PC Mode, ADAT

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Can't belive.. I made a big mistake I don't see right now or the BF isn't usable in an integrated Raydat setting as a simple adda converter, 2 outputs, connected via adat?! I just want to hear my mixes through the BF main outputs: Summing out l/r -》BF in --》 Raydat  -》Logic in (Plugins etc)  -》 Logic out  -》 Raydat -》 BF Analog out -》 Monitors. Isn't such a simple thing really working?

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker

6 (edited by vinark 2022-10-20 09:11:06)

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

I am sure it can work as I have similar setup with a hdsp9652 (PCI raydat with 3 adats) and a babyface pro fs.
Are you aware you can have both totalmix windows open at the same time  (rightclick on tmfx icon and add extra window. That way it is easy to see what is flowing where.
I would use the babyface in adat mode, not spdif, then you can use its 4 inputs and 4 outputs (main and phones). Raydat as master, babyface as slave to adat.

For the summimg mix,:On the babyface tmfx, route the analog in1/2  to adat 1/2 out. Route analog ins 3/4 to adat 3/4 (they are a little bit quieter for line levels, see how it works

For the  monitors: Route the adat in1/2 to analog outs. And maybe route adat3/4 to analog out 3/4 for phones.

It should be easy!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Hi, thanks a lot, I'll try.

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Hi, it's a weird routing...somehow it works, I don't know why and it feels like it works more by chance. I don't see Adat in in BF Tmfx, only An, As, the Adat starts at 3/4. Don't know, if I want to work this way, I think about reselling the BF ang get some simple Adda converter... changing between the tmfx windows to get a stereo signal from Adat to analog shouldn't be what the tmfx idea is about.
Rather weird,  that I can't use the bf in stand alone mode via adat and create a very simple routing...

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Read the manual An is analogue As is spdif or adat 1/2 then you get adat 3/4 etc. I have the bfp fs using an ada8200 and it’s all reasonably simple once you get your head around TotalMix. You can rename the channels in TotalMix and toggle between your own names and the real names. It may be chance with you but it is all quite logical.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

10 (edited by ramses 2022-10-20 20:52:20)

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Jesill, in TM FX, each HW output has a submix of its own.
All you need to do is, when it comes to routing, is to select a particular HW output and then to turn faders of
— HW inputs, top row (audio directly from the interface with near zero latency)
— SW playbacks (audio coming from PC) with the usual RTL (round trip latency)

See here for more piece of information: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=34394

Once you digest this method of routing in submix mode, everything is possible, and it is … so easy and really “logic”.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

Thanks a lot. I am working with TM for about 10 years. I know the idea behind it and I hooked up different Adat devices during this time without any routing problems: Fireface 400, Apogee Ensemble (there was a driver problem..), behringer Ada, Apogee rosetta 800 an 200...

I have got the impression, that something in babyfaces internal routing is different from other devices.

It would be nice, if somebody can tell me, how to integrate bf pro fs in my setup with Raydat without switching between tmfx windows. I use external compressors and preamps - thats why I need 16 out - and inputs from the rosettas.

Finally, I just want to send the  analog stereo outputs from the summing device to the babyface inputs, then back to logic pro for mixdown while listenig this signal coming from the mixdown  track - with babyface outputs.

This means: BF Analog in -》 mixdown track logic pro -》BF analog out. This path doesnt seem to work, when BF is plugged via Adat to Raydat.

Or I make a mistake, I haven't recognized yet.

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker

Re: Routing problems with Babyface pro fs and Raydat

It seems, that the BF routing isn't running without usb connection.  So I use two tmfx windows, the bf tm fixed to feed the raydat via adat. Raydat as master. Never touch the BF tmfx again while doing all the i/o routings in the raydat tmfx. For not to be misunderstood: I am a big RME fan, the BF sounds fantastic, the drivers are incredible good, my first professional interface (FF 400) is still running in a little studio of a friend of mine.  But the stand alone modus without usb connection is strange. No adat routings to the analogue outs...or I din't manage to push the right knobs.
But I'll also use the BF as a mobile recording item...as an audio swiss army knife. Thanks for your support. After all, my impression with the missing routing options without usb connection seemed to be right.

J. Illmann, Mannheim
RayDat, Babyface pro fs, Apogee Rosetta 800, Little Vintage Maker