Topic: Warning Message on Monterey for Fireface UFX driver

Hi guys,

I remember reading about this on the forum here but I cannot find the thread anymore.
Whenever I plug my RME UFX into my M1 Macbook Pro (Monterey), I get a system extension message saying that the drivers won't be compatible with future operating systems and that I should contact the manufacturer.

Now, I know there are some big changes with Apple but what is the situation about this currently?
Will we get rid of these annoying messages any time soon and is there a plan to have the RME drivers work without all these workarounds (Safe mode boot etc)?

I am planning to switch my entire studio to Silicon and everything is based on RME interfaces.
I am aware it's a lot of work to catch up with the changes Apple made but moving forward, what are the plans on RME's side of things?

Will we be able to enjoy native-like installation and driver support on Silicon-based Macs?

Thanks for reading!

Re: Warning Message on Monterey for Fireface UFX driver

Hi Dom, The thread for the new DriverKit based USB driver is here:

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.