1 (edited by norburybrook 2022-12-13 20:31:05)

Topic: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

I have a new 7950x machine and have been having an issue whereby my RME RAYDAT refuses to change sample rate and is stuck on 33k. I can change it in the menu but it jumps back. this causes terrible distortion and playback issues when it happens. Using ASIO and Reaper 6.7

I'm connected to a Lexicon 300 via AES but turning that off doesn't change anything. I had a thought that perhaps the lexicon was clocking the raydat somehow???

If I go into windows sound settings the sample rate is also echoed there at 33k and can't e changed.

If i re boot it usually works fine.

I'm connected to a ferrofish pulse 16.

This system worked flawlessly for a year on my 5950x machine.

new machine is:

Asus p670 -7950x-32 gig DDR5 5600 ram-windows 11



7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB

2 (edited by ramses 2022-12-13 21:54:38)

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

Make an ASCII drawing how the devices are  connected digitally via AES and ADAT.

All devices need to be clock synchronized.
Only one clock master is allowed.

Clock master is the device using it's internal clock and sending the clock signal out through any digital output (ADAT, SPDIF, MADI,...) or Word Clock, if present/used.

All other devices have to receive the clock from the master either through a digital input which is connected to the master or by word clock, if present/used.

It's possible to clock synch the setup either completely by using digital connections or by word clock alone or a mix of both.

From operational perspective its beneficial to use the main RME interface as clock master, then  the application/DAW can set the clock rate via the RME driver and in an ideal case for the whole environment.

This works best over 2ch connections like AES and SPDIF. With digital connections using SMUX (channel multiplexing), higher sample rates (double/quad speed) can not be distinguished. The protocol header has no marking for SMUX connections.

In your stup you might use the RauDAT as clock master by configuring in the driver settings clock source = internal.
Please make a drawing which shows whether and how all other devices (clock slaves) get the clock signal from the master.
They need a setting like clock source = ADAT or sometimes also called optical. Or AES or SPDIF...

In the driver settings of the clock master (RayDat) you can see the sych status if it has an inbound digital connection from a device acting as clock slave. A "lock" is not enough  status synch is desired / needed. Otherwise the device is not really in synch with the master.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

thanks I'm aware of how digital clocking works smile This setup has been working fine for over a year in my studio. Only things that's changed is I've changed the motherboard/cpu and Ram and done one windows 11 update when i rebuilt the machine to make sure all the new drivers etc were OK as I took the same OS drive from the old machine.

as I say a reboot always sorts this out but I'm at a loss as to why this is happening now.


p.s. RME Raydat is master running internal clock and the ferrofish is slaved via ADAT and the lexicon via AES.

7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB

4 (edited by ramses 2022-12-13 22:27:46)

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

Sorry gent, I was simply misled by your statement:
"I had a thought that perhaps the lexicon was q the raydat somehow???"

If you have a valid undestanding and concept / setup , then something like this should not be the case...

I would test, what triggers this reliably and then simplify the setup. Does this happen also with RayDat alone as CM and then add another device, retest and so on until the issue starts again.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

ramses wrote:

Sorry gent, I was simply misled by your statement:
"I had a thought that perhaps the lexicon was q the raydat somehow???"

If you have a valid undestanding and concept / setup , then something like this should not be the case...

I would test, what triggers this reliably and then simplify the setup. Does this happen also with RayDat alone as CM and then add another device, retest and so on until the issue starts again.

It's random at the moment , it's as iff the raydat card isn't being initialised properly on boot or something like that, as a reboot always fixes it.

I'll try and narrow this down again over the next few days. I'm on the latest BIOS but will check some of detailed settings. It's maybe sharing a PCI lane with something like an NVMe drive??  just thinking off the top of my head here..


7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

seems to me the raydat is slave to an external clock that is not sending a sync signal (e.g. device turned off). if you then reboot the RME device it goes into clock mode 33khz

ADI2, Digiface, ARC


Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

This error also occurs when PCIe communication fails.

What is the firmware version of the RayDAT?

Matthias Carstens

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

MC wrote:

This error also occurs when PCIe communication fails.

What is the firmware version of the RayDAT?

I bought it this year. I updated all the drivers/firmware? when I installed it on the new machine as well last week.


p.s. nice to see you still around Mathias smile we go back to the 90's and Nuendo 1 smile you had me soldering capacitors on a motherboard once to solve an issue smile

7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB


Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

Yeah, those were the times smile

Can you try the RayDAT in a different PCIe slot?

Matthias Carstens

10 (edited by norburybrook 2022-12-14 15:03:25)

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

MC wrote:

Yeah, those were the times smile

Can you try the RayDAT in a different PCIe slot?

that was going to be my next thing to try.

it's in the only small PCIe slot on the board , the same size as the card tabs so I put it in there. I imagine it's the original spec and the longer ones are all PCie 4/5 x16

it's PIA though as I've got to disconnect/and reconnect all 8 ADAT cables!!!

I might dig into the BIOS and see how things are set regarding fast boot, PCI specs. As i said it seems like it's not getting initialised on boot when it happens. Maybe modern PC's boot too fact for 'old' PCI to cope with....

just a thought...

Obviously this is a bleeding edge cpu and MOBO . It worked flawlessly on the olf ASROCk x570 and 5950x machine though. However that was a different architecture. I may force the PCi slots to older PCI specs. I'm not using a GFX card so don't need PCie 5 specs.


7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

In theory you can use any of the other PCIe sockets.

BTW not all x16 slots are really connected with 16 PCIe lanes, you need to check mainboard manuals.

If your board has a smaller chipset or CPU you might not have many PCIe lanes. Sometimes they are shared and dynamically are being assigned depending on which pcie sockets you use / plug something into.

Bad if you "steal" PCIe lanes from graphic cards or cards / components requiring also more than one up to 4 or 8 lanes.

This should all be documented in the mainboards manual.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

Devices going to 32k is often the result of a clock loop (two devices trying to sync to each other). What happens with nothing connected to the card?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

Update: I went into the BIOS and had a look at a few settings . the PCie1 slot the card is in share with SATA 5 and 6 and even though I've nothing connected there I've a feeling the 'auto' setting in the BIOS wasn't helping matters.

I've et it to force it to be PCI not SATA and it seems that might have done the trick. It's been fine all day today and booted up fine and working. It's possible it might be a red herring as it's a bit sporadic bit fingers crossed this has sorted it.

It's not a clocking issue, as I said it's as if the card isn't getting initialised on boot sometimes. The BIOS changes should sort that.

thanks for everyone's help and speedy replies.

Much appreciated.


7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

Update: This issue returned again yesterday....

I'm away from the studio now fro Xmas but will report back with any further changes when I try them.

Interesting that another poster is having a sample rate reset issue as well with a RAYDAT.


7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate

Updated the firmware today. fingers crossed....


7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB

16 (edited by norburybrook 2023-01-07 16:12:30)

Re: RAYDAT setting itself to 33k sample rate


firmware update didn't help so I moved the card to the PCiex16 slot, normally reserved for the gfx card but as I'm using on board it's free.

problem solved.

been running fine now for 2 days.


7950x-win 11|Macbook pro M1 Max-Sonoma| RME Raydat-Ferrofish| Sonnet TB