Topic: UFX II preamp extension
I paste this to not interfere with threat where I wrote this in the first place. It will indeed be better to just start new one.
sinolonis wrote:I want ufx+ with 12mic setup but may need ufx II soon if new ufx+ wont appear in near future.
What is the best combination with available rme preamps products now to maximalize ufx II mic inputs count? 12mic would leave 4 unused channels via adat right? So maybe two octamics xtc via adat and one octamic II via line inputs? Is it correct or am I missing something? Not even sure if those products are available now because of the chip crisis…:)
Im a bit nooby so forgive me my lack of knowledge. Anyway thanks for help and btw, happy new year!Yes, you miss something.
The UFX II has two adat input, the 12Mic can submit all 12 mics into the interface, otherwise two Octamics will give you additional 16 mics.
Yes, exactly. Two adats. Using 12mic - one adat channels 1-8 and second channels 9-12. So 13-16 adat inputs are somehow wasted right. So my question was which rme preamp devices will max ufx II mic inputs capabilities. Two ocatamics xtc via two adat ports and one octamic II through line inputs of ufx II? Micstasy is also in consideration but I dont know… Thanks and sorry for thread confusion.