Topic: UFX II preamp extension

I paste this to not interfere with threat where I wrote this in the first place. It will indeed be better to just start new one.

waedi wrote:
sinolonis wrote:

I want ufx+ with 12mic setup but may need ufx II soon if new ufx+ wont appear in near future.
What is the best combination with available rme preamps products now to maximalize ufx II mic inputs count? 12mic would leave 4 unused channels via adat right? So maybe two octamics xtc via adat and one octamic II via line inputs? Is it correct or am I missing something? Not even sure if those products are available now because of the chip crisis…:)
Im a bit nooby so forgive me my lack of knowledge. Anyway thanks for help and btw, happy new year!

Yes, you miss something.
The UFX II has two adat input, the 12Mic can submit all 12 mics into the interface, otherwise two Octamics will give you additional 16 mics.

Yes, exactly. Two adats. Using 12mic - one adat  channels 1-8 and second  channels 9-12. So 13-16 adat inputs are somehow wasted right. So my question was which rme preamp devices will max ufx II mic inputs capabilities. Two ocatamics xtc via two adat ports and one octamic II through line inputs of ufx II? Micstasy is also in consideration but I dont know… Thanks and sorry for thread confusion.

2 (edited by ramses 2023-01-07 00:28:22)

Re: UFX II preamp extension

> which rme preamp devices will max ufx II mic inputs capabilities.

How many mic inputs do you need in total, for what sample rate and what is your maximum budget?

You are aware of that ADAT supports 8ch at single speed, but only 4ch at double speed?

So if the UFX II has 2 ADAT inputs it supports 16ch at single speed but only 8ch at double speed.

If you want to connect an 8ch mic preamp you can connect
- 2 mic preamps at single speed
- 1 mic preamp at double speed

If you want to connect an 12ch mic preamp like the 12Mic, then you can connect
- 1 mic preamp at single speed (4ch waste)
- 1 mic preamp at double speed (for only 8 of the 12 mic preamps of the 12Mic)

More channel reserves you have with an UFX+ (successor) and MADI.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: UFX II preamp extension

Yes Im aware of this. With two ocatamic xtc via adat I will record 16 microphones at 44/48 single speed and only 8 with 96 khz. I just wanted to know if two octamics xtc via adat and one octamic II via line inputs are reasonable solution which will give me total of 28 (with 4 ufx II pres) mic channels at single speed and 14 with double.

4 (edited by waedi 2023-01-08 13:51:57)

Re: UFX II preamp extension

sinolonis wrote:

Yes Im aware of this. With two ocatamic xtc via adat I will record 16 microphones at 44/48 single speed and only 8 with 96 khz. I just wanted to know if two octamics xtc via adat and one octamic II via line inputs are reasonable solution which will give me total of 28 (with 4 ufx II pres) mic channels at single speed and 14 with double.

It gives 20, to be acurate. The 4 onboard Micpres on the UFXII are fix on whatever samplerate you select, only the adat get half or quarter channel numbers due to samplerate.
Also the 8 analog inputs stay 8.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by ramses 2023-01-08 15:44:24)

Re: UFX II preamp extension

sinolonis wrote:

Yes Im aware of this. With two ocatamic xtc via adat I will record 16 microphones at 44/48 single speed and only 8 with 96 khz. I just wanted to know if two octamics xtc via adat and one octamic II via line inputs are reasonable solution which will give me total of 28 (with 4 ufx II pres) mic channels at single speed and 14 with double.

Such a setup would give you 28ch at single speed and 20ch (not 14) at double speed.

You will probably have a problem getting Octamic XTC and Octamic II because of the chip crisis.

A better solution would be anyway the combination of recording interface with MADI and two 12Mic in terms of
- more headroom for future expansions
- more flexibility in placement of components across rooms, ... (multimode fiber up to 2 km per link between devices)
- operational features (remote control using MIDI Remote AVB via MIDI over MADI)

Furthermore, from a technical perspective, the preamps of UFX II and 12Mic would better match to each other.
Both are quite similar regarding technical specs and deliver gain up to 75 dB.

If you get Octamic XTCs used, then I would also prefer a MADI-based setup because then you can configure the preamps as "Auxdevice" and remote control the most important preamp functions via TotalMix FX. Including digitally storing and recalling these parameters in TM FX Snapshots and Workplaces (similar like with MIDI Remote AVB, but directly integrated into TM FX).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: UFX II preamp extension

Thanks a lot.
What preamps would You recommend for 8 analog line inputs of ufx II from rme products?

7 (edited by ramses 2023-01-08 17:41:45)

Re: UFX II preamp extension

sinolonis wrote:

Thanks a lot.
What preamps would You recommend for 8 analog line inputs of ufx II from rme products?

Only Octamic II or Micstasy have analog outputs for the preamp signal.
XTC and 12Mic have no analog ports to send the preamp signal directly out at line level.

UFX+(successor) and 2x 12Mic via MADI is IMHO the best solution of everything.

An alternative PCIe-based solution, but again limited to single speed if you want to use all 24 mic inputs:
- RayDAT (fully digital card)
- 2x 12Mic via ADAT
- ADI-2 Pro FS for the monitoring via AES

If you use double speed, then this setup is limited to 2x8 = 16 ports.

For a setup of this price range I would try to get entirely rid of any such limitations as you say that you want to be able to use double speed. Then best with all available ports... Therefore better look for a MADI based solution.
And then get also operational benefits as I told you by either using
- XTC and Auxdevice (integration into TM FX, alternatively control over MIDI remote AVB)
- 12Mic and remote control over "MIDI remove AVB"

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: UFX II preamp extension

Thanks a lot.
Yes ufx+ with two 12 mics where actually my first solution to go. But since chip crisis Im searching for altarnative. Guess I need to wait for ufx with madi after all. Thanks again