Topic: Digital Converter Problem

Just bought a new external converter, and I am having a problem setting it up.  Frankly I can't tell if it is with my DAW, Interface or External Converter, but I have a feeling it is in the interface.  The set up I have is that my DAW (Cubase) sends an AES digital signal via my Interface (RME Fireface 802) to the Hilo converter, then the Hilo converter sends an AES signal back to the interface AES In, which feeds the DAW print track.  But here are the problems:

1. The signal coming back from the converter AES Out to the DAW Print Track is less than half of the signal going out to the converter;

2. The faders in the DAW show that the signal coming back in to the print track is significantly lower than what is being sent out via the Master Processing Track;

3. The RME Interface App also shows the signal in both software playback and in Hardware outputs very low.

Frankly, at the level the signal is coming back into the DAW after conversion it is useless.  What am I doing wrong here?

2 (edited by waedi 2023-01-14 19:45:01)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Jlespada65 wrote:

Just bought a new external converter, and I am having a problem setting it up.  Frankly I can't tell if it is with my DAW, Interface or External Converter, but I have a feeling it is in the interface.  The set up I have is that my DAW (Cubase) sends an AES digital signal via my Interface (RME Fireface 802) to the Hilo converter, then the Hilo converter sends an AES signal back to the interface AES In, which feeds the DAW print track.  But here are the problems:

1. The signal coming back from the converter AES Out to the DAW Print Track is less than half of the signal going out to the converter;

2. The faders in the DAW show that the signal coming back in to the print track is significantly lower than what is being sent out via the Master Processing Track;

3. The RME Interface App also shows the signal in both software playback and in Hardware outputs very low.

Frankly, at the level the signal is coming back into the DAW after conversion it is useless.  What am I doing wrong here?

The external Converter converts a AES into AES...
Can't tell what you are doing wrong.
Please tell, what do you want to do ?
what is the target in this ?

Just saying : A DAW does not send a AES signal anywhere.
The DAW handels digital audio as it is.
The interface has different outputs, you choose one in Totalmix and the interface creates an output signal at the selected output.
AES is a specification for signal quality, not for audio quality.
By doing a loopback over AES conectors you will not add AES highend quality to the music !

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by ramses 2023-01-14 20:11:44)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Hi Jlespada65, welcome to the RME user forum.

> The RME Interface App also shows the signal in both software playback and in Hardware outputs very low.

The software playback channel represents the signal coming from the DAW.
No wonder that the signal at your HW output is also low, how should it be higher, if the application sends it already that low?!

You need to inspect your DAW settings, why the output signal is low.

If you use the control room, check there the volume settings or whether you activated DIM. Also check all other relevant faders.
Perhaps you have activated the volume automation and mistakenly set a constant lower value on the automation track.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by ramses 2023-01-14 20:09:37)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

I assume you want to record the analog sound of the Hilo with this cabling/signal flow, correct?

802---AES OUT----->AES IN---Hilo---Analog Out
                                                                   analog console or perhaps simply connected by cable
802---AES IN<-----AES OUT---Hilo---Analog In

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digital Converter Problem

@ramses: yes, your flow diagram reflects exaclty how I have se it up.  I don’t think the pproblem is in teh DAW because the output fader is showing a healthy signal and there is no diming going on anywhere.  When I feed the master track back into another track in the DAW it shows a perfect signal level.

@Waedi: the target is to take advantage of the supposedly superior ADAC conversion of the Hilo, and print a master track that has gone through the Hilo back into the DAW.  The routing of this is being done through AES (as ramses’ diagram shows above).  Yet, somehow, the signal being fed back into the DAW via AES is coming in significantly lower than the one that was sent out from the DAW via the Interface AES.  Not sure how else I can explain this....

6 (edited by ramses 2023-01-14 20:43:05)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Jlespada65 wrote:

@ramses: yes, your flow diagram reflects exaclty how I have se it up.  I don’t think the pproblem is in teh DAW because the output fader is showing a healthy signal and there is no diming going on anywhere.

Sure? In your 1st posting, you wrote:

Jlespada65 wrote:

3. The RME Interface App also shows the signal in both software playback and in Hardware outputs very low.

Then please explain to me why the signal in the TM FX SW playback channel is already low here if I understood you correctly in your 1st post, see (*) below:

App---|---TotalMix FX--------------------------------|---802 Port
          |   middle row                     bottom row |
DAW----SW Playback Channel----HW Output------AES OUT
                     (*)                      (+)

In TM FX the signal level at the HW output (+) is the same as here (*), it cannot be higher, if it comes already low from the application/DAW.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digital Converter Problem

In Totalmix it is possible to doubleclick onto a fader.
The fader jumps up to the zero position, this is the full signal.
If the fader got pulled up by hand to level where it looks good, then it's probably below zero, less signal.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

8 (edited by ramses 2023-01-14 21:03:47)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

waedi wrote:

In Totalmix it is possible to doubleclick onto a fader.
The fader jumps up to the zero position, this is the full signal.
If the fader got pulled up by hand to level where it looks good, then it's probably below zero, less signal.

Irrelevant. He wrote in post #1 that the signal level at SW playback is already low.
This signal is coming from application through the driver and is fully independent of TM FX fader settings.

Another idea is, that he might use Windows and maybe didn't select the ASIO driver so that the system goes through Windows audio subsystems and that the volume reduction happens there. Not sure whether something similar could be the case on MacOS where audio goes through the sound system of MacOS (there are no ASIO drivers with direct access to the recording HW).

Useful would be to know what OS he uses, which driver is configured in the DAW and a screenshot of TM FX showing the submix of the AES HW output.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

9 (edited by oli77sch 2023-01-14 21:08:33)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Jlespada65 wrote:

the target is to take advantage of the supposedly superior ADAC conversion of the Hilo, and print a master track that has gone through the Hilo back into the DAW.

Sorry, but I completely don't understand the target here. Do you send the analog signal to some hardware to colour the sound before returning it to the Hilo?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Ok guys, I can't say I fully understand the problem, but I think I found a solution or at least a work-around.  I created an external Effect called "Processor" that sends the out the DAW signal via AES to the Hilo, and returns the AES form the Hilo.  I placed that insert in my Print track, and now, although the faders still show the signal low, the signal is in fact coming in healthy.  How that happens? beats the hell out of me, but at least it is working now... I love my RME Fireface and I was very hesitant to think it is the culprit in this weirdness... it's never stirred me wrong before the addition of the Hilo, so I don't see why it would not play well with it.

I intended to buy some high end outboard processors that will reside in a loop within the Hilo, so once I put in the insert I created into the print track, the track will get the benefit of the processing.

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Nope, I was wrong, that didn't work either... I'm thinking I am going to return the Hilo, I don't like the idea of complicating my set up so much, and at this stage I am not getting any sonic benefit, only headaches. thanks you all for the help!

Re: Digital Converter Problem

As long we don’t know more details about your system (Mac or Windows, OS version) and can’t see screenshots of your TotalMix and DAW windows it’s very difficult to give adequate help.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

13 (edited by waedi 2023-01-14 23:45:25)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Jlespada65 wrote:

I am going to return the Hilo

This is the best idea here ! Hopefully you can save the 4000 € !

Holy cow ! Hilo is a Thunderbolt or USB Dante Interface ! I thought it's a standalone DAC.
from it's user manual :
...Levels can be set and adjusted for all input sources and outputs. Sources can be mirrored to multiple outputs. Sources and outputs can be muted. This is why Hilo has an internal 32 x 32 channel mixer. This is where you get to use it.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Ok, I can't bring myself to send this back just yet as the unit is very nice and it sounds great through my monitors.  So here goes nothing...

Some folks above asked me for pics and system description.  I am using PC Windows 10 OS, running Cubase 11.  My interface is an RME Fireface 802.  I recently added a Lynx Hilo ADDA converter, which is connected via USB to teh computer, via XLR to the Hilo analog input, and via AES to the Hilo Digital In, and the interface is receiving an AES feed from the Hilo, which I intend to use to print tracks in Cubase.

As I said before, the signal coming back from the converter AES Out to the DAW Print Track is less than half of the signal going out to the converter:

The faders in the DAW show that the signal coming back in to the print track (“FINAL MASTER” in green) is significantly lower than what is being sent out via the Master Processing Track:

The RME Interface App also shows the signal in both software playback and in Hardware outputs very low:

Frankly, at the level the signal is coming back into the DAW after the Hilo conversion it is useless. 
I can’t find anywhere where I can adjust the level of the AES signal, and in any event, it should not be different than the analog signal as it is just a digital version of the same thing, right? What am I doing wrong here?

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Sorry, I can'g figure out how to insert images in this platform...

16 (edited by waedi 2023-01-15 00:37:18)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Jlespada65 wrote:

Ok, I can't bring myself to send this back just yet as the unit is very nice and it sounds great through my monitors.  So here goes nothing...

Some folks above asked me for pics and system description.  I am using PC Windows 10 OS, running Cubase 11.  My interface is an RME Fireface 802.  I recently added a Lynx Hilo ADDA converter, which is connected via USB to teh computer, via XLR to the Hilo analog input, and via AES to the Hilo Digital In, and the interface is receiving an AES feed from the Hilo, which I intend to use to print tracks in Cubase.

As I said before, the signal coming back from the converter AES Out to the DAW Print Track is less than half of the signal going out to the converter:

The faders in the DAW show that the signal coming back in to the print track (“FINAL MASTER” in green) is significantly lower than what is being sent out via the Master Processing Track:

The RME Interface App also shows the signal in both software playback and in Hardware outputs very low:

Frankly, at the level the signal is coming back into the DAW after the Hilo conversion it is useless. 
I can’t find anywhere where I can adjust the level of the AES signal, and in any event, it should not be different than the analog signal as it is just a digital version of the same thing, right? What am I doing wrong here?

The idea is fault from the beginning.
Sending a signal thru this device and record it back does not make the audio better.
It has no effect at all to the music.
AES in and AES out transmits the signal with no change, there is no converter involved in this.
Then, Windows computer with two interfaces connected is a mess.
Cubase mixer + Windows system mixer + Totalmix + 32x32 Hilo mixer this is a huge mountain of settings and signalflow checkings

The partial Totalmix screenshot is a bit small, should be the whole Totalmix within the active output.

Ah there are more images :

Totalmix is not lying, it receives a small signal from Cubase.
Cubase or Windows has reduced your music to what is recorded.
Ramses has pointed you to some checkings, did you follow ?

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Digital Converter Problem

The idea is not faulty if you consider the ultimate goal: to have a mastering chain in the analog loop of the Hilo.  Then the AES signal coming from the DAW would be converted to analog, sent to the outboard processors, returned to Hilo, converted to Digital, and sent back to the DAW.  this is a fairly standard way of working in mastering studios.

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Jlespada65 wrote:

The idea is not faulty if you consider the ultimate goal: to have a mastering chain in the analog loop of the Hilo.  Then the AES signal coming from the DAW would be converted to analog, sent to the outboard processors, returned to Hilo, converted to Digital, and sent back to the DAW.  this is a fairly standard way of working in mastering studios.

Then you understand now why it is nonsense to connect it AES in and AES out, the way you described it in the first post ?
For analog outboard gear connection it is for sure a nice converter, when connected and handled the right way.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

19 (edited by ramses 2023-01-15 08:01:04)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

@Jlespada65: If you work with img tags in the forum so that the content is directly visible, then you need to substitute "dl=0" with "dl=1". Otherwise, omit the img tags so that the forum software can create at least a clickable URL.
Currently, I can only see the URL, but it is neither click- nor mark-able. Therefore, I quoted your posting and made the necessary changes and replaced "dl=0" with "dl=1". Now we can see your screenshots.

Jlespada65 wrote:

Ok, I can't bring myself to send this back just yet as the unit is very nice and it sounds great through my monitors.  So here goes nothing...

Some folks above asked me for pics and system description.  I am using PC Windows 10 OS, running Cubase 11.  My interface is an RME Fireface 802.  I recently added a Lynx Hilo ADDA converter, which is connected via USB to teh computer, via XLR to the Hilo analog input, and via AES to the Hilo Digital In, and the interface is receiving an AES feed from the Hilo, which I intend to use to print tracks in Cubase.

As I said before, the signal coming back from the converter AES Out to the DAW Print Track is less than half of the signal going out to the converter:

The faders in the DAW show that the signal coming back in to the print track (“FINAL MASTER” in green) is significantly lower than what is being sent out via the Master Processing Track:

The RME Interface App also shows the signal in both software playback and in Hardware outputs very low:

Frankly, at the level the signal is coming back into the DAW after the Hilo conversion it is useless. 
I can’t find anywhere where I can adjust the level of the AES signal, and in any event, it should not be different than the analog signal as it is just a digital version of the same thing, right? What am I doing wrong here?

Your screenshot is only of limited use because you do not show the submix of AES OUT, you show the submix of AN1/2 OUT.

But what you can see already is that SW playback channel AES shows a strong signal with peaks at around 0dB!
What I do not understand here, why did you say in your initial posting, that the level of SW playback channel is low?
That's not true at all.

The question is now, whether you possibly reduced the level in the submix of HW Output AES Out.
For this, we need to see the submix of HW Output AES OUT.

So, please select HW Output AES OUT to see the submix for this output (remember in TM FX every HW output has a submix of its own) and then create / post a new screenshot.

This time please
- in a better resolution, check that the JPG quality of your screenshot program is at 100% and
- including the HW input AES as well, where the signal from the Hilo arrives

I can recommend Greenshot as screenshot tool for Windows: . Also in greenshot you need to set the JPG Quality from usually 75% to 100% to get sharp images to be able to see more details.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Use either the 802 or the Hilo, not both at the same time. Using both adds nothing but complications.

21 (edited by ramses 2023-01-15 17:37:29)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

mrkahuna wrote:

Use either the 802 or the Hilo, not both at the same time. Using both adds nothing but complications.

The USB driver from the Hilo is probably only in use (if at all) to operate the Hilo remotely. His signal flow is clearly described in his 1st posting and see also my ASCII drawing which he confirmed in his Post #5.

The same way, I have connected the UFX+ and ADI-2 Pro FS R BE so that I can update the firmware of the ADI-2 or the ASIO driver for playback on demand.

I see absolutely no correlation to the mentioned level differences of audio and having the Hilo connected through USB for management purposes.

At this time, I see 2 potential failures:
1. submix of the AES output on the 802 is configured incorrectly, fader of sw playback not at 0dB.
2. wrong gain staging in the analog chain at the Hilo

Currently, we wait for a new screenshot of TM FX, regarding point #1...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Sure, they can set it up to use both devices, but what is the benefit to doing it that way?  They can achieve what they want with only one.

23 (edited by ramses 2023-01-15 18:54:01)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

mrkahuna wrote:

Sure, they can set it up to use both devices, but what is the benefit to doing it that way?  They can achieve what they want with only one.

It's all explained in the thread, you only need to read. Post #1, #4, #21.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digital Converter Problem

ramses wrote:
mrkahuna wrote:

Sure, they can set it up to use both devices, but what is the benefit to doing it that way?  They can achieve what they want with only one.

It's all explained in the thread, you only need to read. Post #1, #4, #21.

No, those just repeat one way to do it if someone feels compelled to use both.  They don’t explain why using both is the only way to achieve the end goal (probably because using both is not the only way.). The OP said they want to use outboard analog, which either the 802 or Hilo can do without the other device involved. So, yes, I did read the what and why and have yet to see anyone explain the benefit of using both devices. If there is a benefit I’d truly like to learn, I could never say I know it all.

Re: Digital Converter Problem

He wants to use the hilo for da conversion, then to outboard gear and back, finally ad and back to the 802. Sounds legit as the lynx hilo supposedly has great ad and da conversion.

Babyface Pro FS, MSI GS66, Studio One

Re: Digital Converter Problem

If they want to use the Hilo then just follow this diagram (ignore the speakers, Cd recorder, and headphones for now).  No need for the 802 in the chain. … 00x629.jpg

Re: Digital Converter Problem

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Digital Converter Problem

mrkahuna wrote:

If they want to use the Hilo then just follow this diagram (ignore the speakers, Cd recorder, and headphones for now).  No need for the 802 in the chain. … 00x629.jpg

It can be assumed that he wants to keep the FF 802 as the main interface. The way he has set it up, it is a valid setup.
One should perhaps first solve the problem, which is why he opened the thread.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Update: At the great suggestion of ramses, I ran a tone generator through Cubase.  I set it up so that the out in Cubase was going through the RME Fireface 802 Interface’s AES Output to the Hilo Converter AES Input.  The results were as follows (sorry, I still can’t figure out how to imbed images in this platform!):
1.    The Stereo Out Fader meter in Cubase shows the signal at -12dB.  I ‘ve also included the Test generator track and the “Print Track” with the AES Signal coming back to Cubase.
2.    The Total Mix, Software Playback AES Meter shows the signal at -12dB
3.    The Total Mix, Hardware Outputs AES Meter shows the signal at -12dB
4.    The Hilo Remote app, AES Meter In shows the signal at -14dB
5.    The Hilo Remote app, AED Meter Out shows the signal almost non-existent:
6.    The Total Mix, Hardware Inputs AES Meter shows the signal at -40.4dB
I don’t know what to make of this... any ideas?

Re: Digital Converter Problem

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

31 (edited by waedi 2023-01-16 07:08:27)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

How to put the image into the forum post :
I opened your link in a new browser tab to watch the image.
Right-click onto the image and copy image adress.
In the forum post I click the img tag button and paste that adress into.

The link from you is not the image itself, it is a webpage where the image is included.
For the image tag in the forum post you have to insert the direct image adress.

What I see on your image, the AES output channel in Totalmix is splitted into two mono channels. Pic 2
That makes no sense !
Open one of them and hit the stereo button to merge them together into one stereo channel, as it should be.
Not sure if that will solve the problem.
Pic 6 shows the return signal is a stereo signal.
somewhere the two mono signals got combined, may be in a way where the volume got lowered?
The routing inside the Hilo may need further inspection, detailed point to point. As seen on pic 4 and 5 there, inside the Hilo, the signal loses its volume, pic 4 shows the faders are not up you should pull them up fully, let's see...

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

32 (edited by waedi 2023-01-16 08:12:44)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

ramses wrote:
waedi wrote:

What I see on your image, the AES output channel in Totalmix is splitted into two mono channels. Pic 2

I do not know which Image you mean, in all of his images of post number

Post Nr30 Pic2 shows AES L and AES R channels, oh sorry these seems to be software playback channels, but also here no need to split, better stay stereo.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

33 (edited by ramses 2023-01-16 08:15:41)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

waedi wrote:
ramses wrote:
waedi wrote:

What I see on your image, the AES output channel in Totalmix is splitted into two mono channels. Pic 2

I do not know which Image you mean, in all of his images of post number

Post Nr30 Pic2 shows AES L and AES R output channels,

But this is your posting, not any of the customer, right?
And it is not related to the issue of low signals.

In the TM FX screenshot of the customer its clearly visible that the DAW signal is ok.
But already the signal on the HW output is weaker, perhaps a problem with his submix.
And I assume that the gain staging at Hilo is maybe also not ideal and contributes to the problem.
Unluckily he didn't send a screenshot of the inputs, so see whether the AES input signal is even weaker.

These are the most important points and the issues that the customer may have and need to be checked.

But it is hard to work on this in this thread if two other guys do not understand the issue and are talking about different things.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digital Converter Problem

waedi wrote:

What I see on your image, the AES output channel in Totalmix is splitted into two mono channels. Pic 2

I do not know which image you mean, in all of his images of post number 14 there is no such image.
Your guesses do not help in any way.

Similar problem with the other gent, who wants to redesign the solution, which is neither the issue here nor necessary.

I will quit this thread now, this is no collaboration, you are simply wasting the customers and my time.

I am now in contact with the customer by mail, as it is not possible to perform systematic work here.
Nothing that I really wanted, to perform support by mail. But I see no other solution.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

35 (edited by oli77sch 2023-01-16 08:29:53)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Good morning everyone
First thing I would do is to immediately close the hardware input fader of AES (stereo) input for the AES output submix in TotalMix.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

36 (edited by waedi 2023-01-16 09:03:38)

Re: Digital Converter Problem

oli77sch wrote:

Good morning everyone
First thing I would do is to immediately close the hardware input fader of AES (stereo) input for the AES output submix in TotalMix.

Good morning smile

(that fader probably is up because the volume in the DAW was low...
in case of a roundtrip with continuos feed the system would shut down, I expect TM to quit.)

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Digital Converter Problem

Jlespada65 wrote:

Update: At the great suggestion of ramses, I ran a tone generator through Cubase.  I set it up so that the out in Cubase was going through the RME Fireface 802 Interface’s AES Output to the Hilo Converter AES Input.  The results were as follows (sorry, I still can’t figure out how to imbed images in this platform!):
1.    The Stereo Out Fader meter in Cubase shows the signal at -12dB.  I ‘ve also included the Test generator track and the “Print Track” with the AES Signal coming back to Cubase.
2.    The Total Mix, Software Playback AES Meter shows the signal at -12dB
3.    The Total Mix, Hardware Outputs AES Meter shows the signal at -12dB
4.    The Hilo Remote app, AES Meter In shows the signal at -14dB
5.    The Hilo Remote app, AED Meter Out shows the signal almost non-existent:
6.    The Total Mix, Hardware Inputs AES Meter shows the signal at -40.4dB
I don’t know what to make of this... any ideas?

Around step5, open up the Routing page on the Hilo.  Select AES Out on the right and make sure the fader is not turned down. You can control the fader with the Rotary encoder. Press in to toggle between the output fader, the active source fader and the master out.  Perhaps you can also adjust the fader in the Remote App.