1 (edited by tdc 2023-04-21 06:22:21)

Topic: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

Totalmix is showing some incorrect data on one of the channels. The Meter graphic is showing level for what would be around -20dBFS, but there is no signal preset at that level. The numeric display in TM is showing the correct level -101dBFS.

My system is an DigiFace AVB, AVBTool and 2 x 12Mic AVB's. All software and firmware are the latest. The Web control app shows no level being sent to the DigiFace, and on the Mac, DigiCheck NG also does not show any level.
TM: v1.80 MacOS (3)
DFAVB: v244, Driver: v3.28A

If I toggle 48v or adjust the gain, the meter does change, but then moves back to this middle position.


2 (edited by ramses 2023-04-21 06:24:17)

Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

It would be better if you would explicitly name firmware and driver versions. It is mandatory for providing support esp. in such a case.

A few seconds, hours, days, or weeks later, "the latest" is not the latest anymore and then the version information in this thread is vague, can be misleading for the reader and is thus of no value.It's also possible that you only think you have the latest. So, please, use real numbers.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

Does the number change when you use RMS On or Off? Does the number change with setting PostFX On or Off? Both under 'Level Meters' in the right blue panel.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

Did you try things like resetting TotalMix or such?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

5 (edited by tdc 2023-04-22 02:06:03)

Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

MC wrote:

Does the number change when you use RMS On or Off? Does the number change with setting PostFX On or Off? Both under 'Level Meters' in the right blue panel.

Yes, the numeric display shows the RMS value matching the Meter Bar ( -22dBFS)

Further testing shows some interesting behaviour.

• Duplicating this AVB Stream into other Inputs on the DF AVB does not duplicate this behaviour.
• Patching this channel (ch9 on the 12Mic) into other AVB stream channels does not result in this behaviour.
• Any channel from the 12Mic into this channel of the DF AVB results in this behaviour. (ruling out a DC / Preamp issue)
• Unpatching the 12Mic from the DF AVB Stream removes the issue.
• Connecting other 12Mic or AVBTool mic inputs to this stream and channel on the DF AVB does not exhibit this behaviour.

It seems that Totalmix is reporting an incorrect RMS on this channel, and this channel only, regardless of source of input. As previously mentioned, neither the AVB Web interface nor DigiCheck NG show this issue.

I should add that I am at 96kHz, and that this input on the DF AVB is Stream 2, channel 9. TM Channel 21


Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

As you used DigiCheck NG: please use the Bitstatistics & Noise instrument to check for DC.

It might also be useful to record the input signal and confirm in a wave editor that there is indeed no signal above -100 db anywhere.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

MC wrote:

As you used DigiCheck NG: please use the Bitstatistics & Noise instrument to check for DC.

I didn't think DigiCheck NG had this instrument - doesnt appear to be an option.

MC wrote:

It might also be useful to record the input signal and confirm in a wave editor that there is indeed no signal above -100 db anywhere.

Did this and the resultant audio file shows a an RMS of -117, and a peak of -101

Here is a movie of the behaviour.


What is being shown is TotalMix channels 21-22, which are receiving AVB Stream #2, Ch 9 and 10.
I have patched the 12Mic output CH9 into the Stream channels 9 & 10 so both these two TotalMix channels are receiving the same content over AVB. You can see that they are different.

I start with no 48v or Gain. Then I switch in 48v, then add a mic, and add some gain, then pull the mic out and switch off the 48v.


Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

Current DC NG version is 0.891, it has that instrument. Latest one is here:


Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

tdc wrote:

I start with no 48v or Gain. Then I switch in 48v, then add a mic, and add some gain, then pull the mic out and switch off the 48v.

To avoid damages on your equipment you really shouldn’t plug in/out the mic with activated phantom power!

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

MC wrote:

Current DC NG version is 0.891, it has that instrument. Latest one is here:

Here is the same source patched into AVB Stream 2 - Ch's 9 & 10, appearing on the DF AVB on Channels 21 & 22.



Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

Thanks. We will try to reproduce and research how this is happening.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

Please try the latest Version that is v254


Re: [Solved] TotalMix meters Bug? Displaying incorrect data

uwekirst wrote:

Please try the latest Version that is v254

Spent some time today updating and re-flashing all devices in this system, and this appears to have resolved the TM meter issue.

Many thanks.