Topic: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

ADI-2 Series Remote – Public Pre-Release of macOS app

The ADI-2 series of ADI-2 DAC, ADI-2 Pro and ADI-2/4 Pro SE offers tons of features, controlled by 3 encoders with push functionality and 4 extra keys. A high resolution display gives access to these via an extended user interface that is logically arranged after Input, all Outputs and sub-functions of these. A lot of work was spent to make the units fully configurable on their own – originally an external control app was not planned.

Having 9 Setups and 20 PEQ presets calls for some kind of backup as well as export and import software, for example to share them with others. Over the years the unit got more features than ever, arguments to have a ‘remote’ app for full access from computer piling up. An app could show and present all the features very different from the unit’s display menu. It might be easier to understand, easier to handle, and some people having issues with operation at the unit would eventually understand the unit’s menu structure. Hmmm…

But the biggest fun would be that no other comparable unit has an external control surface. Another unique feature for the totally unique ADI-2 units – so we finally had to do it!

Current State
We presented a ‘proof of concept’ at the Munich High End show. A few weeks later we have a fully working Mac and iPad version, which gives total control and allows to load, store and save Setups, Settings and PEQs. In fact the unit is completely (!) controllable from the app. Apart from power on/off one could perform full control without touching the unit at all.

The now revised app GUI looks gorgeous not only on the iPad in portrait mode (but especially there), but also on the Mac. And will look the same on Windows. And it is fully resizable.

Now that Mac and iPad are finished we are working on the Windows version. Instead of letting the Mac version wait for Windows we decided to release it first. The app currently supports the ADI-2 DAC (all versions), because that unit has the most users. Support for ADI-2 Pro and ADI-2/4 Pro SE is prepared and will follow soon.

How does it work?
The ADI-2 DAC needs a new firmware version. FPGA v80 adds a MIDI I/O port that uses SysEx messages to send and receive data and commands. As such we do not expect any compatibility issues, but the menu also includes a setting to disable the MIDI port (Remap Keys / Diagnosis, MIDI Control).

An updated DSP software v55 handles the communication with the app.

The ADI-2 Remote app (Mac and DAC first)
The app consists of several main pages: first one per output (Line Out, Phones Out, IEM Out), followed by the Toggle button, then a general Device page with all channel unrelated settings, and a PEQ Editor that can be used to edit, save or load PEQs without changing the currently active EQ (listen to music while you play with it…).

The app is interactive and fully synchronized. Change the volume on the unit or in the app – both will stay in sync. When toggle mode is active and Toggle is hit the current channel page will change accordingly. Same when plugging/unplugging phones when Mute vs.. is active. Etc. If no DAC is found the app enters Demo mode, so anyone interested can have a look. In fact it is possible to create or edit PEQs even while offline, and load and save these from/to disk.

The app itself has two Settings (formerly Preferences) directly from the app menu. One disables the automatic change of shown output page. The other one enables to load up to 20 PEQs simultaneously into the unit via a Setup file. This is a nice feature for copying device states quickly between units, but usually users want to have full control what to load and then only load one or the other PEQ to specific slots – that’s why this option is off by default.

Also please note that Setups can not be downloaded or stored in bulk. It is possible to load an existing Setup into the app, modify it, and store it back into the unit. But only a single one, so one after the other.

Still something missing?
The ADI-2 Remote v 1.1 is complete, tested and supports everything the ADI-2 DAC offers. Except for one thing – the Status Overview, coming a bit later.

Help file included!
Although the app should be easy to use and self-explanatory - if something is unclear please read the included help.

Mac FUT: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_mac.zip
Windows FUT:  https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_win.zip

Update: Mac app v 1.1: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2 … mac_11.zip

Set of example files with 18 PEQs as Setup and as single files, to load into the editor and/or app:
https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/adi2 … efiles.zip
Note: these 18 PEQs are also included in the app.

And now: have fun!

Oh - did I mention this all is for free? No? Hey, it is free!!! Really!

Details of former version 0.46: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 31#p204931

Update: the macOS app has been released and is available from our website as v 1.1, section Downloads - Software, or link above. The iPad app is also available in Apple's App Store as version 1.1.

Direct link to iPad app: https://apps.apple.com/at/app/adi-2-rem … 6449708476

Matthias Carstens


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Pic 1: Default view when starting the app is the Line Out page.


Pic 2: Phones output is currently inactive, so the volume knob, volume value and colors are dimmed on the Phones page.


Pic 3: IEM is currently inactive, so the volume knob, volume value and colors are dimmed on the IEM page.


Pic 4: The Device page includes all the hardware settings that are not exclusive to an output channel, and typically found in the SETUP menus of the ADI-2 DAC. It also includes the 9 Setups that can be loaded from and stored into the device.


Pic 5: EQ Presets is an offline editor to modify PEQ presets. They can be saved to / loaded from disk as files, but also copied, pasted and stored into the device from this page.


Here are explanations on these example PEQs:

1. Nomen est omen, but not for anyone
2. Sub-bass boost for my favourite in-ear. Intentionally with Peak filter to reduce boost of the lowest, inaudible frequencies
3. Oratory1990 proposal for Sennheiser HD650
4. My own compensation for Audeze's LCD-X
5. My own compensation for Sennheiser HD800S
6. Oratory1990 proposal for HEDD Heddphone
7 to 10: small compensations for DAC filters as published earlier in this forum
11: Turns an illegal digital square into a bandlimited, valid square that still looks like a square
12: As the name says, different curves for left and right channel
13/14: Taken from the ADI's manual. For details read there.
15: Very effective rumble filter for turntables as added to the 2/4 Pro
16/17: Using a subwoofer the sub could need some mid/treble reduction, while the satellites need bass to be removed. This example combined provides a proper crossover, but each one also works independently.
18: Hearing test. By changing the frequency of band 5 in real-time this hi-cut lets you find out at what point you hear a difference in music playback. If you don't hear anything changed down to 12 kHz - don't worry, you are not alone...This one is called FM Tuner as FM radio (German UKW) is typically limited to around 15 kHz audio bandwidth. Just for fun the famous MPX filter is added as 19 kHz notch in Band 4.
19/20: Intentionally left empty. These are useful to store modified PEQs, or when changing the order (copy the slot to be overwritten to an empty slot first to not loose its content)

Pic 6: The Settings options from the app’s menu: Option one enables the automatic switching of the currently shown page, steered by the currently active output. Option two enables a one step loading of all 20 PEQ Presets into the device. This is nice if you want to copy stuff between several units, or transfer everything from one to a different one.


Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Looks extremely nice, Matthias, thanks for the great work and I will be glad once it is available for Windows :-)
Greetings/thanks to the team who coded this.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Thanks! And this looks very nice.

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Great news! Looking forward to the Windows version.


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Nice to have! Is there a timeline for rollout the windows version?

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)


This is really amazing.
May I know is it network connection with using ipad app? If yes, is it possible to share tcp/ip command to control with third party controller?(Like crestron)

I am looking forward to get ture feedback (such as volume) from my adi-2 pro fs r and showing on my custom AV program app with crestron.

Please let us know, if it will really happening!!!

This is my sample AV remote using IR to control adi-2 pro fs r. Hope it can showing volume and more states on it.

8 (edited by Data 2023-06-22 21:23:44)

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Just testing the app - wow! Impressive achievement. Feels very slick, modern and well programmed. And so fast / easy to simply adjust any settings, where before you had to dig deep into the menus on the unit itself...

- integrate the ADI-2 DAC manual in some way, if only as a help file
- include the FUT / an update checker into the app
- autostart the application when the DAC is turned on (similar to TotalMix)

UCX II, Quadmic II, ADI-2 DAC FS
Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedilettantepianist

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

What a Great Idea. But I can’t get it worling with my Aldi 2 Pro FS.
Any Ideas? Where to enable midi in the Setup?



Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Seriously? Is it so hard to read the opening post?

Matthias Carstens


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

supermad wrote:

May I know is it network connection with using ipad app?.

No. It is MIDI via USB. The iPad app makes only sense if the iPad is also the music player, or SPDIF is source (then the iPad works like a wired remote).

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Hi, thanks a lot for this!! Keep up the excellent work, we love RME!!!

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

13 (edited by N00b 2023-06-22 22:40:51)

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Hi again!
After a little proof test...
I just want to report a graphical bug/glitch. The same that I use to have on the beta of Digicheck NG:
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 90#p154290

Same machine:
ADI-2 DAC, iMac late 2013, Mac OS 10.15.7, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4 Go



ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Same as everyone else--thanks so much for this., Everything went smoothly to get it up and running on my Mac. I really appreciate you all doing this--makes the configuration of the RME ADI-2 so much more user friendly (and right about the time I figured out how to be efficient with the buttons--doh!). Great work!

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

WOW! Since I got an ADI-2, every year I feel like using a completely new device! Kudos to MC and his team! Waiting for the Pro, though.
(Also thanks for providing a midi interface, so I can create some automatic scripts for certain tasks for my own. Guess it's not hard to reverse engineer the command call interface, unless the commands are intentionally encrypted...).

16 (edited by ning 2023-06-23 02:56:28)

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

MC wrote:
supermad wrote:

May I know is it network connection with using ipad app?.

No. It is MIDI via USB. The iPad app makes only sense if the iPad is also the music player, or SPDIF is source (then the iPad works like a wired remote).

technically it is possible to have a computer app working as a command router where connection between computer and ipad is wifi/bluetooth.
practically one can just use remote desktop.
overall I'm already more than satisfied!

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

MC wrote:
supermad wrote:

May I know is it network connection with using ipad app?.

No. It is MIDI via USB. The iPad app makes only sense if the iPad is also the music player, or SPDIF is source (then the iPad works like a wired remote).

Got it! Is it the MIDI protocol naming “SysEx messages”?

18 (edited by Jperkins 2023-06-23 04:29:07)

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Amazing news! I look forward to the version that works with the ADI-2 Pro FS.

I basically have my settings figured out and my two units are "set it and forget it" but it will be nice to have this new app to explore some new settings and more easily experiment.

It always takes me some time to get familiar with the onboard controls and how to navigate, but I think this app will make it much easier to look around and try things.

+1 for a built in update checker right in the app.


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

ning wrote:

Also thanks for providing a midi interface, so I can create some automatic scripts for certain tasks for my own. Guess it's not hard to reverse engineer the command call interface, unless the commands are intentionally encrypted....

We do have plans to publish the MIDI commands used here. They are not 'encrypted' so it is quite easy to figure them out, no first class hacker needed...but let us first have all 3 apps finished and in a final state...

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

supermad wrote:
MC wrote:
supermad wrote:

May I know is it network connection with using ipad app?.

No. It is MIDI via USB. The iPad app makes only sense if the iPad is also the music player, or SPDIF is source (then the iPad works like a wired remote).

Got it! Is it the MIDI protocol naming “SysEx messages”?

yes. sysex can send arbitrary bytes and RME mostly likely defined their commands in a few bytes of data.
it's super easy to capture the bytes via midi programs, and should be easy to reverse engineer them to get their meanings if the definition is straightforward (I just don't have a DAC. if so I can do it within an hour or two).

by the way, this also means it opens the possibilities to program fully automatic 1) audio device measuring software 2) room automatic measure/eq software, using Pro.

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Congrats, great stuff ! A humble question: You are talking about an iPad app, but is there an iPad app or should I download a midi-controller app (any suggestions?) on my iPad in order to see/transfer through Sises. My case: I only listen to Apple Music on my iPad, connected through USB-C to my RME ADI-2 DAC.

MC wrote:
supermad wrote:

May I know is it network connection with using ipad app?.

No. It is MIDI via USB. The iPad app makes only sense if the iPad is also the music player, or SPDIF is source (then the iPad works like a wired remote).

Happy with ADI-2 DAC FS (ESS) ! iMac 2017 - iPad mini 6 - Apple Music.
Nantes | France


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

The iPad app looks exactly like the above pics - and does the same as on a Mac and Windows. It will be available in the App store soon - at no cost.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

MC wrote:

Seriously? Is it so hard to read the opening post?

Sorry, was much to enthusiastic, bold letters help now…

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Wow, thanks for this, can't wait to see it for my ADI-2 Pro! Is there anything you can't control with the app?

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

hasan.ay386 wrote:

Wow, thanks for this, can't wait to see it for my ADI-2 Pro! Is there anything you can't control with the app?

i did try for a while, seems the app cannot turn the unit on or off.

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Thanks to the RME team and MC, the app works smoothly and easy to go through all functions.

Pacifist, dumb, not stupid
Listen music out from a box which sounds
Reading words on paper/ screen

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

The realisation of the remote control with additional import/export functions has surprised me extremely positively! It shows once again how good the hardware concept of the ADI-2 systems was and still is!
With the ADI-2 DAC, however, the digital output was unfortunately forgotten.

The sales of ADI-2 systems should now increase again. But some people who didn't buy an ADI-2 because of the user interface, or gave it away again, will probably be annoyed with RME:
Why wasn't such a useful feature announced a long time ago (customer retention) or realised long ago?
Why is there still no press release from RME about the extremely useful remote control?
RME will not (be able to) answer because these are/were strategic decisions.

It is also astonishing to see how long it sometimes takes and what pressure the users have to make until "RME" lets implement very useful functions in the semi-professional ADI-2 systems. Examples?
Above or:
Balance adjustment via remote control with representation on the display, ...

It is not difficult to criticise finished products or to find possible faults in such products - after all, one is not responsible for the conception of the product or for the company.
But I had to write down my constructive criticism. Maybe it will help to reduce the costs for the software development of new semi-professional devices.

28 (edited by weme 2023-06-23 11:15:50)

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

User Interface Note - Band 1 and Band 5 settings:

Band 1 can be: Peak - Low Shelf - Low Cut - High Cut
Band 5 can be: Peak - High Shelf - High Cut

For example, in the screenshots above I only see "Shelf". I can't look at the other texts because I don't have a MAC.

"Shelf" is ambiguous and insufficient for normal users (who do not have the manual stored in their brain). Just replace the texts with the appropriate graphics:

The graphic also corresponds to the display on the device.

29 (edited by bejoro 2023-06-23 11:21:30)

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

MC and RME team thank you very much! Absolute incredible!

I sold my ADI-2 DAC FS last weekend but I still use two ADI-2 PRO FS R BE. So I have to wait a little bit longer.

Will there be also an Android app?


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Sorry, as usual no Android app planned. But as we will publish the MIDI commands used someone else could easily program such a tool.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Ohh, but thanks. Indeed, publishing the MIDI commands is a phantastic decision.
You are right, ning already predicted there might be many more useful utilities, maybe also Python modules etc.

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Another idea: how about including some standard EQ settings for the most common headphones in the app. One curve for a Harman response, a second one for a flat response.

Sonarworks have this in their software and it is very convenient / useful.

UCX II, Quadmic II, ADI-2 DAC FS
Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedilettantepianist

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Downloaded and installed.  Looks amazing and just starting to play with the functionality.

Thank you RME!

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Suggestion for a future release:

Allow users to directly input the values underneath the software knobs instead of having to use the software knobs.  For example, on the PEQ, instead of having to use the mouse to move the software knob to select the desired values, users would just type in the values they want in value display underneath each of the software knobs.


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Maybe you try the right mouse key...

And after that discovery try a double click...

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Hahaha...sometimes the obvious is never seen. Awesome!  Thanks MC.

Seem to have found a small bug or most likely I am not doing something right like was just shown!  I populate an EQ preset and save it to preset 1 with name Monolith 1570.

When I go to the phones tab and call up the saved preset, everything comes through ok including B/T except for B5 Q setting.  In the EQ preset, I have B5 Q=6. When I call up the Monolith 1570 preset in the phones tab EQ B5 Q=1.  I confirm via the ADI display that B5 Q=1 instead of 6.

I can simply change it to 6 but thought I should bring this to your attention.

So much easier making changes with this interface.  Thanks again RME.  Between the ADI being a great performing DAC, Digicheck, bit test and now this remote app., nothing comes close to the ADI imo.

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Found the issue.  ADI doesn't support values over 5 for Q.  Once I corrected that it works properly.


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Correct, we found that too, thanks for reporting (Bands 1 to 3 do support up to 9.9). New version this evening.

Matthias Carstens

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

RME knocking it out of the park....again.


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Version 0.42 is now available (updated link in first post) with these changes:

- fixed a graphics issue with nVidia/Metal

- fixed Q on bands 4 and 5

- fixed an issue with using more than one device

Yes, you can connect more than one ADI-2 DAC to your computer, and ADI-2 Remote will open as many windows as it finds devices. These can then be controlled and set up independently. Here is an example of the special macOS function 'Merge Windows', where instead of multiple windows tabs are shown in one window.


Matthias Carstens

41 (edited by derFlaxi 2023-06-23 18:34:58)

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

G r e a t smile

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

MC wrote:

Version 0.42 is now available (updated link in first post) with these changes:

- fixed a graphics issue with nVidia/Metal

- fixed Q on bands 4 and 5

- fixed an issue with using more than one device

The graphical glitch is gone, thanks smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

I have a small question please - in one of the articles shared on social media it says the software is available for ADI2 Pro FS R, but doesn't specify the older ADI2 Pro FS (non R).

AFIAK the firmware is the same just without infrared control - is this correct?

Because this software is an absolute game changer in my mastering studio if it will work on Windows with RME ADI 2 Pro FS (black version)!

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

joecaithnessmastering wrote:

I have a small question please - in one of the articles shared on social media it says the software is available for ADI2 Pro FS R, but doesn't specify the older ADI2 Pro FS (non R).

AFIAK the firmware is the same just without infrared control - is this correct?

Because this software is an absolute game changer in my mastering studio if it will work on Windows with RME ADI 2 Pro FS (black version)!

devices back to the original ADI-2 Pro will be supported. so surely will work for your FS.


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

This is amazing, thank you so much!

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

MC wrote:

The iPad app looks exactly like the above pics - and does the same as on a Mac and Windows. It will be available in the App store soon - at no cost.

As a former sw developer I have to say - you are really good. Great idea.

Please, when ipad version will be available in appstore? Days, week, month? I can't wait...

ADI-2 DAC, Digiface USB, Fireface UCXII, ARC USB, Neumann MA1 aligned monitors

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

Ich wollte den ADI-2 DAC schon verkaufen. Gut, dass ich es nicht gemacht habe. Danke für diese tolle Software. Endlich kann ich ohne Fingerverrenkungen verschiedene EQ-Presets anlegen.

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

This looks most excellent.

Can't wait for the Windows release! big_smile

Happily using two ADI-2 DACs to enjoy the best thing in life. ^^

Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

How to install the app on an ipad - sorry, i used to install apps from app store - so i have no idea - thank you

Adi-2 Pro, Adi-2 Dac Fs


Re: ADI-2 Remote Pre-Release: Step 1, macOS (Update: released)

I will post here when the iPad app is available in the App store. IMHO needs at least two more weeks.

Matthias Carstens