Topic: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

[Mod Edit: This thread was based on TM FX before 1.86]

I have a UFX with two TotalMix Workspaces. In both I have ADAT Channels in Software Playback and in Hardware Output that I'm Looping back to Hardware Inputs. I'm using them as Virtual Channels. However, in one I can see all the ADAT Hardware Output Channels I can Send to when I left click on the bottom of any SWP Fader. In the other Workspace, when I left click on the bottom of a SWP Fader I cannot see the ADAT Channels in Hardware Output that I can send to. How do I get the missing sends to show?

I am able to assign the SWP to the HW Outputs in the Matrix, but I want to be able to control the level using the SWP Faders and I can't do that in the Mixer if I can't assign the sends correctly.

Thanks for any advice.

A non-union national read
Demos: brucehayward dot com
Source-Connect: brucehayward

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

In the control room there are some buttons to make the entire Totalmix working different.
free-mode and submix-mode.
the way you described clicking at the bottom of the software playback channel for routing to an output seems to be free-mode.
In submix-mode the routing works different, much more comfortable, by clicking on the desired output and just raise up faders from software playback or input channels.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

Thanks for your answer.

Did Submix and Free and Matrix. No change in the SWP assignment. As I said, signal will pass through to the proper HW channel, but I can't control it with the SWP fader unless I can assign the send.

A non-union national read
Demos: brucehayward dot com
Source-Connect: brucehayward

4 (edited by waedi 2023-10-29 17:07:53)

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

Try this:
Click submix mode
click onto the output channel fader where your speakers are connected (the channel field becomes highlighted).
Pull up the fader of the software playback channel where the music is (without any assignement ! ).
If that not works make a Total Reset and try again.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

Thanks again.

Tried everything suggested. Tried saving the Workspace that does have all the Sends I need in SWP. When I change the channel layout, I lose a send assignment. And I keep losing them the more I change the channel layout. Doesn't matter what I try to keep changing the channel layout, I lose a send to the previous channel I showed. My other Workspaces I don't need to keep everything shown to get to keep my send assignments. Very strange.

I just want to be able to assign a send so I can use the SWP fader to adjust the gain going to my HW Outputs. Now I can't do it and I'm afraid to change any of my previous Workspaces in case I lose the send assignments there.

A non-union national read
Demos: brucehayward dot com
Source-Connect: brucehayward

6 (edited by waedi 2023-10-30 02:09:24)

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

You did create a routing in free-mode and then in submix -mode it is different.
All input channels and all software playback channels are assigned to every output channel all the time.
You don't need these assignements in the software channels at all.
In the menu Options - Reset Options - Total Reset
Do a total reset.
Stay in submix-mode and start from scratch with a proper routing for a new workspace.
As described : Click onto an output channel for making it highlighted.
Then pull up a fader of a software playback channel.
That is the assignment. This is routing a certain amount of signal to an output channel.
Switching between Free and submix can mess you up.
These are two independent mixes and Totalmix keeps them in memory.
If you load an old workspace you may have to switch back to Free to see the things you are missing.
Better stay in Submix-mode unless you know exactly what you are doing and how it works.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

Thank you again for your reply.

I have 3 Workspaces. In two of them I can assign a Send from an ADAT Channel in SWP to an ADAT Channel in Hardware Output and can show or not show Channels in Hardware Output and it does not affect any of these Sends. For example, ADAT 1 in SWP Send to ADAT 2 in HW Output. I don't need to use Submix to do this, all I have to do is Left Click on the bottom of the fader in SWP and assign the Send. I want to be able to do the same in my third Workspace, but I can't.

I have found that, in my third Workspace, I can hide or show any Channels I want in Hardware Input and Software Playback, but to be able to assign Sends from ADAT Channels in SWP to ADAT Channels in Hardware Output, I have to show the other ADAT Channels. For example, ADAT 1, ADAT 3 and ADAT 5 are shown in SWP and I want to assign those three to ADAT 2, ADAT 4 and ADAT 6 respectively in HW Output. I can do that as long as ADAT 1, 3 and 5 are showing in HW Output. If I hide ADAT 5 in HWO, then the assignment to ADAT 6 goes away, and so on as I hide the odd numbered ADATs. That doesn't happen in my other two Workspaces. As I mentioned, I need the Sends assigned in SWP so I can use each ADAT Channel's fader in SWP to control the signal going to the ADAT Channel in HW Output.

Same issue with AES L in SWP to AES R in HWO. AES L has to be showing in HWO, otherwise the assignment won't show when I left Click the bottom of the AES L fader in SWP.

It's a workaround that works, but I'm not sure the workaround should be necessary.

A non-union national read
Demos: brucehayward dot com
Source-Connect: brucehayward

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

@The Weed
Are your hw outputs set to stereo pairs? Try mono once, maybe that helps.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

Almost all my Hardware Outputs are Mono. The problem, as I mentioned, is, at least for this Workspace, I cannot make a Send from an AES or ADAT Channel in Software Playback to an AES or ADAT Channel in Hardware Output unless I show all the AES and ADAT Channels in Hardware Output, which I don't want to do. I'm only minimizing the AES and ADAT Channels in Hardware Output that I am not using, but need to have showing so I can Send to the Channels I am using.

A non-union national read
Demos: brucehayward dot com
Source-Connect: brucehayward


Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

If you hide output channels those hidden channels are no longer shown in the routing menu of inputs and playbacks. That is as obvious as logical, as you can't set any output setting anymore, means you could route but have no clue what's going on as you don't see the channel, its meters and its settings.

The routing set while visible stays valid.

The Layout Presets section lets one quickly switch between all channels visible (for routing/setup) and hiding.

So where is the problem?

Matthias Carstens

Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

I think I see what The Weed is talking about.

With my UCXII, if I have HW outputs ADAT 7 and ADAT 8 as separate mono outputs, hiding ADAT 7 also hides ADAT 8 from the routing menu. This happens with any mono outputs, so hiding Analog 1 also hides Analog 2, hiding AES L also hides AES R etc.


Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

Correct, and we will try to fix this. Nevertheless clicking on the desired output channel activates that routing target (just the routing menu does not follow), and All in Layout Presets gives you instant access to any routing target, hidden or not (again by highlighting the output channel, not via the routing menu).

Matthias Carstens


Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

All the above issues have been fixed in TM FX 1.86. Beta 1 is now available as separate download:

[Edit: Links changed to release version)

- Hidden output channels are shown in brackets within the routing menu

- In Submix mode selecting such an entry does nothing. In Free mode the routing is still possible.

- The button All in Layout Presets removes all brackets, so gives full access

- All the above works for mono and stereo output channels correctly

- Several smaller changes and improvements around this functionality (when changing sample rates, synchronisation with the Channel Layout dialog...)

- Windows: checkmark in the routing list is now better visible on 4k monitors

I changed the thread title to better reflect what this is about.

Matthias Carstens


Re: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions

...and the release versions now replace the beta 1:



Matthias Carstens