Topic: TM FX 1.86 Beta 1 - Improved Hide and Routing functions
[Mod Edit: This thread was based on TM FX before 1.86]
I have a UFX with two TotalMix Workspaces. In both I have ADAT Channels in Software Playback and in Hardware Output that I'm Looping back to Hardware Inputs. I'm using them as Virtual Channels. However, in one I can see all the ADAT Hardware Output Channels I can Send to when I left click on the bottom of any SWP Fader. In the other Workspace, when I left click on the bottom of a SWP Fader I cannot see the ADAT Channels in Hardware Output that I can send to. How do I get the missing sends to show?
I am able to assign the SWP to the HW Outputs in the Matrix, but I want to be able to control the level using the SWP Faders and I can't do that in the Mixer if I can't assign the sends correctly.
Thanks for any advice.
Demos: brucehayward dot com
Source-Connect: brucehayward