I'd like to pick this up again, please - I am sure there is a solution or answer to be found. The year has been busy and I am only now finding time for investigating this again.
I have since tested the Multiface on a Win 7 machine which has an ExpressCard slot (this is the only machine I had access to). It performs perfectly. No glitchy pulses and no screeching whine, no crashing. I have also corresponded with Sonnet, sending them system reports etc, and their assessment is that the Sonnet is performing correctly over Thunderbolt - no errors detected. MacOS is able to recognise and access the Multiface. The RME HDSPe range, and specifically the Multiface II, is listed as tested and compatible in their compatibility listings https://www.sonnettech.com/support/char … egacy.html
The behaviour on my Macbook Pro remains problematic, though. The device connects, the Totalmix and HDSPe settings open up as expected. It is only when attempting to use the device (ie playback any audio, from any application, including the test function in Audio Midi Setup) that there is suddenly a massive problem. There is a pulsing buzz/click in the audio channels, which soon turns to a screeching whine with channels peaking way into the red (as in the screenshot posted above.) Soft disconnecting the I/O Box through the HDSPe Settings app has no effect. If I hot remove the ExpressCard, or unplug the Thunderbolt cable, the whining stops and the meters reset to zero (which is expected). If I immediately reinsert the card or plug in the Thunderbolt cable, macOS recognises the Multiface and it is immediately available as an audio device again BUT this time there is no audio at all. No pulsing or whining - no activity on any channels. If I restart the machine, I will experience the pulsing/whining again.
I am running Soundsource and can see audio activity on those meters when I play an audio file which matches what I would expect to see when playing that file, so there is indeed normal audio activity within macOS. But either there is pulsing/whining or nothing is happening after a re-connect as described. The pulsing/whining has zero correlation to the audio being played. I have tested with and without Soundsource running and it makes no difference (in fact, I only installed Soundsource after this problem was first encountered.)
These are the current details in the HDSPe Settings on macOS:
Mac OSX Driver 4.24
Multiface (22766171), Rev 20
TotalMix FX is ver 1.83 macOS (1)
This may be important - the original power supply failed and I am using a 3rd party supply. Bearing in mind that the Multiface is working perfectly on the Win 7 machine with this same power supply, could there be something problematic on the power front when connecting via the Sonnet & Thunderbolt which would cause these symptoms?
HDSPe Multiface II (ExpressCard)