FZ wrote:[...]
I understand the challenges with chip availability, but my primary concern lies with the communication surrounding this issue and how RME and this forum are addressing it.
I sincerely hope that Thunderbolt support is not neglected in future product iterations. I trust RME will find a viable solution
You can only offer what’s available. Naturally, Thunderbolt (TB) was marketed as the superior interface when it was still around – that’s just how marketing works ;-)
Regarding TB vs. USB2/3
I have already demonstrated in this forum that UFX+ using USB3 handles even 100% CPU load and a minimal ASIO buffer size of 32 samples without any audio dropouts, see https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 2#p210092.
Or see also my artificial benchmark with a large 400 track Cubase project (UFX+ vs RayDAT: https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/Ent … s-de-en/).
The lack of Intel TB1, TB2, and TB3 chips has been openly explained by RME in this forum. They also made it clear that implementing TB4 is not feasible due to complexity.
So, what exactly is being sugarcoated? What’s there to criticize about RME or this forum? AFAIR neither RME nor the forum have misrepresented anything. The facts were communicated transparently. Otherwise please deliver URL references for your claim.
to "Apple and TB/USB"
Even during Apple’s struggles with USB3 drivers and their custom communication chips, solutions were available. For example, users could buy TB docks with integrated USB3 chipsets. In the PC world, we sometimes add PCIe cards when needed.
to "Big/Little"
The "Big-Little" CPU issue seems to stem from the fact that none of the manufacturers involved conduct specific tests for audio applications. But there are solutions for this, at least for Windows based systems:
- BIOS profiles that allow disabling efficiency cores,
- Process Lasso Pro, which can assign audio processes to performance cores or
- to simply avoid Big-Little CPUs entirely or
- more pragmatically, to purchase a pre-built and tested system.
The latter is ideal if you’re unsure or don’t have the time or expertise to deal with such issues.
As you rightly pointed out, these are not RME-specific problems.
There is nothing against TB, but also not against USB. I’m confident RME would support it again if it became feasible again.
to "the Forum"
What are your main concerns regarding communication and the "way that RME and the forum treats this" concetete? You should be a bit more specific than leaving the things you complain about in such a nebulous state. So I can only interpret it this way ..
Regarding your claim that RME or even this user forum misrepresents or sugarcoats things is something I disagree with. In addition: since I’m almost the only person here regularly addressing performance topics, your criticism seems directed at me as well. So please clarify what you mean exactly not to produce unnecessary misunderstanding whoever is concerned.
I don’t recall ever misrepresenting or sugarcoating anything. When inaccuracies arose, I corrected them and backed them up with facts whenever possible. Are you seriously blaming me or another person for setting the record straight?!
To sum up
Of course you can be disappointed that Thunderbolt is no longer available, that's perfectly understandable. But please think about why this is the case what the causalities are.
But there is also no reason to make USB look worse than it is.
I also think that it is not fair to point the finger of blame at RME or the forum when nothing has been reported incorrectly or glossed over (why I answered to your posting).
Ultimately it doesn't change the facts that TB 1-3 chips are not available anymore from Intel (irony on: big thanks to Intel for this) and that an implementation with TB4 is not possible; RME communicated openly for what reason.
The USB products are running stable for plenty of Windows and Apple user. If this is not the case for your specific device, then please be so honest to open a case with the particular vendor and complain there. I understand this is tricky with Apple, as you can't easily add PCIe cards
(EDIT: at least it would be possible to use thunderbolt docks or external cases to get other USB3 controller on board so that UFX III or XT II worked reliable).
But is this all RMEs or the forums fault?!
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10