Topic: Free Software Offer Needs Correction

The RME website offers a free set of plugins for "North & South American Customers Only." See I live in the United States and am therefore a North American Customer. I purchased an RME interface through a German online dealer.

When I tried to register for the deal, I was notified by Synthax: "Unfortunately, the offer for the Fireface UFX III software is only available for North and South American vendors."

I asked them twice to have the language on the website corrected. As of this date, the error is still present. The offer is for equipment purchased from a North or South American vendor, not for North or South American customers.

I have no problem with their offer or with them restricting it to North or South American vendors. I understand and support this. However, the information on the website is clearly incorrect, offering something to me that they would not/could not supply.

RME has such an outstanding international reputation for integrity -- let's keep that clean!

Re: Free Software Offer Needs Correction


I'd say it's quite clear that this refers to the location of the retailer. German retailers can not be expected to provide plugins to buyers who happen to be in the US, sorry.

Daniel Fuchs