Topic: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

While busy with many projects we still found the time to work a bit on DigiCheck NG, and added a feature often asked for: VU meters!


Now, these are a bit two-sided. They either are just seen as nice-to-look-at toy, or as useful addition to the measurement arsenal already at hand. And if you are younger you might not even know what these swinging needles are good for at all. They had been radio and TV standard for a long time, but yes, both their technical definitions on working as well as the mechanical design are both outdated and/or obsolete. Nevertheless, here they are to try out and learn some interesting stuff!


Select the new Instrument type Program meters. Several VU meters show up. Click the right mouse button to open Settings, then select

- the kind of VU meter, Meter Type. Choices are Volume Unit (300 ms attack/release) or Quasi Peak (also Peak Programme Meter, 10 ms attack, 1.5 s release for 20 dB, different scale).

- Channel count for the number of meters

- Line Count for the number of vertically stacked ones. For example for a 24 channel tape machine setup you can have 12 in 2 lines, or 8 in three. Or with only 4 meters stack them all vertically at the edge of the monitor in 4 lines – whatever you want.

- Reference level lets you set the 0 dB point lower, for higher sensitivity. This is un-avoidable with the VU meter as you will quickly notice – with normal material that reaches 0 dBFS the needle hardly starts to move away from the -20 dB end of scale. The Quasi Peak meter acts much more like a typical digital level meter, and usually does not need that workaround.

- Motion Blur is a technique to make the needle swing smoothly instead of stuttering, even at 60 Hz frame rate.

- The optional Peak indicator reminds you of the true level the measured signal has. Especially with the VU meter the difference between peak and heavily averaged (the needle) is mostly very big.

- The levels for yellow and red color of the peak indicator are freely adjustable.

Note that the Windows version comes with installer to provide the included help. On Mac it is included in the app itself, so no installer for now. The included help describes the new Program Meters in more technical details.

We hope you like this stuff, and appreciate any feedback.

Downloads - Updated with link to release version

Windows: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/digi … in_092.zip

Mac: https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/digi … ac_092.zip

Further info:



Matthias Carstens

2 (edited by waedi 2024-12-12 12:48:35)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

It looks great !
Thanks for this new feature
Tested with Digiface USB on M1 Mac, works fine.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Thanks for the continued development on Digicheck NG, I'll try them against my Sifam hardware meters!


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Fantastic! Appreciate the update..

Old skool VU’s are still a big part of my metering arsenal!


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Very nice!
Amazing, how perfectly the mass/rise time of the needle in the VU meter is "emulated".
Really useful. Thanks.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

6 (edited by Dmitry67 2024-12-13 15:02:16)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows


Nice job!

Need an option "Always  on top" like in the old version DIGI.

Thank you!

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Thanks, MC, nice job!

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

I like the new VU meters. Nice. They are working as expected on my M2 Pro Macbook Pro running Sonoma 14.5.

Unrelated issue. The 2 channel level meters take up too much vertical space when in horizontal mode. The borders on the top and bottom of the window can hot be hidden or made smaller. It would be an improvement for my use case to have the horizontal channel meter window only show the meters and hide the title bar and gray space aboe and below the meters.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Is this not available on fireface 802?

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

seongzzins wrote:

Is this not available on fireface 802?

It is available as standalone software with own download link, see above and it should work with every RME interface...

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

The VU meters don't seem to let me choose playback channels as inputs on my DigiFace USB. Is that intentional?

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

These VU meters are fantastic MC.

Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Steffen wrote:

The VU meters don't seem to let me choose playback channels as inputs on my DigiFace USB. Is that intentional?

Isn't it true that none instruments do so?

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Yeah, they are really good, perhaps the best digital VUs I have seen (have tried lots!) They measure very closely against my hardware Sifam VU meters when calibrated the same. Look great full screen too!


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Is there an option to set VUs only for two output channels? I don't need the whole channel-set and it takes quite a bit of real estate in Digicheck.

16 (edited by waedi 2024-12-16 17:19:14)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

NoisyNarrowBandDevice wrote:

Is there an option to set VUs only for two output channels? I don't need the whole channel-set and it takes quite a bit of real estate in Digicheck.

See post 1 the second image with the settings
channel count number and line count number, may be this is what you are looking for ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

waedi wrote:
NoisyNarrowBandDevice wrote:

Is there an option to set VUs only for two output channels? I don't need the whole channel-set and it takes quite a bit of real estate in Digicheck.

See post 1 the second image with the settings
channel count number and line count number, may be this is what you are looking for ?

Thx! Didn't read that properly. Very nice, thx RME! Now I wish to have more than four instrument panels big_smile

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Thanks for the update. I like the old VU meters! Will definitely check them out.

Would it be too much to ask to implement them into the ADI-2 series screen?
One channel (L or R, or L+R) full screen, please.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

What would be super helpful for me would be to have the Reference Level setting as a knob/control on the VU front panel itself (maybe switchable on or off in the settings, like the channel names?) It's something one needs to change a lot when listening to different types of music, and at the moment is a little frustrating to have to go into the settings every time to change it.


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

MC wrote:
Steffen wrote:

The VU meters don't seem to let me choose playback channels as inputs on my DigiFace USB. Is that intentional?

Isn't it true that none instruments do so?

All other meters in DigiCheck NG work with the playback channels (but only when using the DK driver).


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Unfortunately your issue descriptions are not much helpful. What exactly is the problem here? Too low level so needles don't move? KE driver in use which doesn'' support playback in DC NG? You did not select the right channels in the Input Selection dialog's table? A more detailed description with screenshot might help.

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Assuming this is a rely to me:

MC wrote:

Unfortunately your issue descriptions are not much helpful. What exactlky is the problem here? Too low level so needles don't move? KE driver in use which doesn'' support playback in DC NG? You did not select the right channels in the Input Selection dialog's table? A more detailed description with screenshot might help.

Like I said, the VU meters don't let me choose playback channels as inputs. I'd love to attach screenshots, but can't figure out how.

I'll try to describe what I'm seeing: in the "Program Meters Inputs" dialog box I can select input channels for up to 8 meters via dropdown. The dropdown lists offer channels ADAT 1 to ADAT 32, nothing else. With other instrument types I get ADAT 1-32, Playback ADAT 1-32, Playback Phones L and R. The "Add Playback Channels" option under "Setup..." is checked, btw.

Just playing around with it a bit I notice that other instrument types (like Totalyzer) also sometimes don't offer channels beyond ADAT 1-32. I never had that issue before. I can recover from that by loading a saved layout, then the playback channels are back. So perhaps this is just a UI issue with populating the dropdown. I'll keep messing with it, perhaps I'll eventually get the full dropdown for the Program Meter inputs by chance.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

I think I found a workaround: When creating a new window and adding a new instrument, don't make that instrument a "Program Meter". Instead, choose a different instrument type, configure playback channels as inputs, then change the instrument type to "Program Meters". The playback channels will prevail.

Not sure how repeatable this ultimately is, but it has allowed me to share the joy of the VU meters


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Thanks for these details. We'll check and will fix in case we find the issue.

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Thanks MC! Loving the update. Getting close to retiring my Clarity-M I think.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

The VU meters are fantastic!! Thank you!!

Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Thanks a lot for this great realisation!!! We are spoiled, it looks really great smile

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

28 (edited by waedi 2024-12-23 20:32:39)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

NoisyNarrowBandDevice wrote:

Thx! Didn't read that properly. Very nice, thx RME! Now I wish to have more than four instrument panels big_smile

menu File / New window
Open some more Digicheck windows as much instruments as you want.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich benötige bitte Unterstützung bezüglich Digicheck NG. Ich habe die Software auf meinem Computer installiert, und alles hat einwandfrei funktioniert. Am nächsten Tag jedoch, als ich die App öffnen wollte, erschien sie zwar in der Taskleiste, aber das Programmfenster wurde nicht angezeigt.

Woran könnte das Problem liegen?

Die ältere Version von Digicheck ist ebenfalls auf meinem Computer installiert und funktioniert problemlos.

Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Unterstützung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Nelson Wandji Okafor

30 (edited by ramses 2024-12-30 13:10:15)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Dann benenne doch einfach mal die Datei, die den "last state" der Applikation enthält, um.
Das wäre doch das Naheliegendste, um für die Applikation für den Start wieder Default Werte hinzubekommen.
Das sollte solche Startprobleme lösen.
Vielleicht ist das Applikationsfenster versehentlich auf einem anderen (nicht mehr angeschlossenen) Bildschirm gelandet
oder irgendeine Fenster resize Aktion hat die Fenstergröße versehentlich auf "0" schrumpfen lassen. Dann sollte allerdings noch die Titelzeile des Fensters sichtbar sein. Nun .. wer weiß .. einfach mal ausprobieren.

- Applikation (DC NG) schließen
- Ordner C:\Users\<loginname>\AppData\Local\DigiCheckNG im "File Explorer" öffnen
- Datei "lastState.Analyser.xml" umbenennen in "lastState.Analyser.xml.old"
- Applikation neu starten

Und - der Vollständigkeit halber - bitte OS Version, Grafikkarte und Treiberversion angeben, falls die Info noch gebraucht würde.
Dabei bitte konkrete Versionsnummern angeben, der Eindeutigkeit halber, nicht "letzter Treiber", danke.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Is there a possibility to open two instances of DigiCheck. Like if i would like the VU meter and vector audioscope only? Cant really find a way to have more then one instance at a time.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

^^ Yes. Open "File" menu and select "New Window" from drop down. You can then assign "Instrument Layout" as required from "Options" menu .

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

ronmac wrote:

^^ Yes. Open "File" menu and select "New Window" from drop down. You can then assign "Instrument Layout" as required from "Options" menu .

Brilliant! Thank you! big_smile


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Version 0.92 is now released for Mac and Windows (updated link in first post). Compared to the beta there are a few further improvements:

- Optimized automatic placement of Program Meters

- Saving and restore of fullscreen mode on second monitor

- Smoother release of peak bars in 2 channel meter

- Only Mac: slightly reduced CPU load when using multiple instruments

Matthias Carstens

35 (edited by DominicPerry 2025-01-09 16:27:52)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

This latest version (0.92) creates a zip file on my local drive that won't unzip and won't delete.
It may be specific to my machine, but I haven't seen this before, so just reporting here in case anyone else sees the same bahaviour.
MacOS (Ventura 13.7.2)


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

.zip worked fine and 0.92 installed fine here (Win 11). Thanks for the update.


37 (edited by Rob Sinistral 2025-01-11 13:25:25)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

I found out about the release via a post on from the RME Facebook social media channel.

I followed the instructions in the post and found that Digicheck NG release was not available via the download link, so I asked in the comments whether this release was compatible with FF800.

I thought it best to report this issue here, as I tried also to download for FF802 also (as a test).. and saw that the link to Digicheck NG was also missing for this device. I have since followed the download link via the forum and installed and used it successfully. I have to say, it is awesome work... many thanks for this. smile I love you guys!

Best Regards

Here's a link to that post: https://www.facebook.com/RMEAudioOffici … gZYSOozVzd

38 (edited by grada 2025-01-12 02:33:20)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Totally replaced old Digicheck with NG since the begining and I love it! One thing i noticed on v092 that is hard on eyes. Especially on mini monitors screens 1080p looks even worse that are dedicated for analyzers section. What others think?

Is there any technical reason for the change Matthias?

Full res picture here: https://i.imgur.com/Z8JFpxP.png




Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

You try the impossible: too many pixels squashed into less existing pixels - results in aliasing. If you reduce the window size that much change the settings to less dB per LED.

Matthias Carstens


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Rob Sinistral wrote:

I found out about the release via a post on from the RME Facebook social media channel.

I followed the instructions in the post and found that Digicheck NG release was not available via the download link

It is.

Rob Sinistral wrote:

I thought it best to report this issue here, as I tried also to download for FF802 also (as a test).. and saw that the link to Digicheck NG was also missing for this device.

Reading problem. The facebook page clearly told you to select Software (dropdown list on the right), not to look for drivers. DC is no driver and not listed under drivers for ANY interface.

Matthias Carstens

41 (edited by grada 2025-01-12 17:02:26)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

MC wrote:

You try the impossible: too many pixels squashed into less existing pixels - results in aliasing. If you reduce the window size that much change the settings to less dB per LED.

Thanks on replay M really appreciate your input.

However i cannot agree with you on this one and please let me be constructive as much as i can (unless i am mistaking on some settings or something)

Tested without any system scaling on my Ultrawide 34" IPS monitor as well on my reference OLED Samsung 77" S90C. The 091 is much better on eyes with less fatigue.

Here is direct comparation. Full res pic: https://i.imgur.com/ohUDmCO.png with pretty much big digicheck win size (~1400x800px)

On closer inspection i noticed that v092 has some additional shade lines that making "blur" effect. Full res pic: https://i.imgur.com/5k1UUUb.png

I do agree to some extend that on bigger screen 092 is more tolerable than on smaller screen but side by side 091 is much more pleasant on any screen. In my case 092 is unusable on my little monitor (16" Full HD) dedicated for analyzers (look how sexy it is https://i.imgur.com/ikiUNdh.jpeg)

Please find this feedback constructive as much smile


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

IMHO v092 is better than v091 when looking at your screenshots.

And yes, adding grey lines on border between too dark and too light makes readibility much better. It is a common "trick" how to improve readibility. It is used mainly in designing icons, but IMHO it has its place also in heavy grids like this one.

But the perception, what is better and what is worse may depend on eyesight, monitor used, resolution, and so on...

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS

43 (edited by grada 2025-01-12 19:34:12)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Kubrak wrote:

IMHO v092 is better than v091 when looking at your screenshots.

really the one on the right is easier on the eyes for you? Quite interesting since for my eyes it gives me nausea cause of blurriness, the one on the left is much more pleasing.

I don't mind getting grid bolder as similar with old digicheck, but for my eyes something is a bit off. What others say?


Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

The down-scaled comparison shown here in the forum is misleading. Checking the pic from your link (full size) indeed the lower one (v92) looks clean, while the upper one (v91) shows aliasing artefacts. It turned out that v92 includes a small fix as the anti-alising engine, necessary for the free-scaling functionality, did not work perfectly before. Now it does.

In most cases the difference is either very small or not noticable at all. It really depends on how dB/LED is set, the size of the window, and whether your monitor is HD or better.

Matthias Carstens

45 (edited by grada 2025-01-13 14:12:34)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Rectangles with perfectly horizontal and vertical lines(no roundings) what we have here does not typically need an anti-aliasing filter or not this much as I point here: https://i.imgur.com/5k1UUUb.png . Because the edges of the rectangle align perfectly with the pixel grid, so there are no partial pixels or jagged edges to smooth out. It has more sense for diagonal or curved lines where pixels don't align perfectly with the edges, resulting in a jagged or "stair-step" appearance.

Being said that it simply cannot looks more "clean" adding sub-pixel blends/intermediate pixels (also visible in link above) to the perfectly straight lines, on the contrary it looks more blurred and less sharp.
Saying that is "necessary for the free-scaling functionality" is perfectly valid argument for me. And totally understand if that has to be implemented for better usability in trade for more sharpness.

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Just think of it as a simulation of old-school LEDs. :-)

Re: DigiCheck NG 0.92 beta 2 – public preview Mac /Windows

Hi Matthias,

Reading problem. The facebook page clearly told you to select Software (dropdown list on the right), not to look for drivers. DC is no driver and not listed under drivers for ANY interface.

Indeed! smile It did tell me to do that, but when I visited the website: I automatically chose the device instinctively, then didn't see the software option, as when you select the device, the software option dropdown disappears!

The labelling beneath the dropdown box selection didn't catch my attention due to to the vertical visual hierarchy. Upon further inspection however, I see how it works!

Had it been labelled in a way that is very clear, with optimal vertical visual hierarchy I would have picked it up straight away on the website. I sketched something that would have helped me with this in the image linked below.

Many Thanks for this update. I think maybe the old generation digicheck is finally seeing less action!

Best Regards
