Hey guys,
RME/users - I need your help to resolve this before I go insane!
I've had a BCF2000 for a few days and I'm ready to destroy it! I've read in detail all of the above and numerous online sites but STILL can't get it to control my FF400...
I have MIDI connected (or USB connected ready in case). I have the same set up as 'babymicrobe' my settings are: "MC C" (after holding down the top 2nd from left most button on power up) , and the midi cabling goes from BCF OUT A to the FF400 IN and FF400 OUT to BCF IN.
The firmware is 1.10. I've tried using it as described but the only way I've found to get anything working (and even then incorrectly!) is to connect FF out to BCF out b/thru and FF in to BCF out a... the faders on the BCF move the totalmix faders but then snap back to zero position... Why this works I don't know but it not right! :s
The BCF works in Logic 8 as a controller in LC and MC C modes via USB and MIDI but not as a controller for the FF400. I love the FF and I only bought the BCF to control totalmix for quick talk back functions and levels... PLEASE ANYONE HELP ! Thanks in advance.
MY setup is; iMac 24" 2.8ghz, 4Gigs RAM, FF400 piggybacked from various drives connected via FF800 port. Logic 8.