Topic: Imac 27 + FF800 + WIindows 7 64 Bits on Bootcamp 3.1 : Audio dropouts
My configuration is : Imac 27 + FF800 (latest drivers : , version 2.9992) + WIindows 7 64 Bits on Bootcamp 3.1
I use Cubase essential 5.1 as a sequencer. In windows, the fireface works fine, no dropouts, i can play music without any problem.
But when i use cubase, i have those small dropouts, especially when i change the level on the fireface mixer.
Is there any solution to make those dropouts disappear? I heard that using an external firewire hard drive and connect the fireface to its firewire port could help. Or should I buy the firewire UC with usb?
Thanks a lot!