Topic: Digi96/x settings controlled...
Hi there,
I have a question concerning the use of digi96/x.
I am currently building my own high end audio mediaplayer and use a digi96/8 card to put the "High End" into the word.
As this system does not require a login at all (based on running services completely) I am looking for a way to control the digi96 settings from software rather than using the digi96.exe that appears as an icon in the windows Xp tray once logged in.
Basically i am looking for a way to:
-switch between inputs ( optical/ electrical)
-control the volume. (appear as sliders on the RME control form that comes with the soundcard)
-change ASIO settings (latency etcetera)
From software and not having to use the digi96.exe control software that comes with the soundcard.
Is there a way to do this?
In other words: Does RME supply software objects (like a dll, preferably usable in a dot net environment) that expose methods to accomplish the above mentioned requests?
Thanks in advance...