Topic: Digi96/x settings controlled...

Hi there,

I have a question concerning the use of digi96/x.
I am currently building my own high end audio mediaplayer and use a digi96/8 card to put the "High End" into the word.
As this system does not require a login at all (based on running services completely) I am looking for a way to control the digi96 settings from software rather than using the digi96.exe that appears as an icon in the windows Xp tray once logged in.

Basically i am looking for a way to:

-switch between inputs ( optical/ electrical)
-control the volume. (appear as sliders on the RME control form that comes with the soundcard)
-change ASIO settings (latency etcetera)

From software and not having to use the digi96.exe control software that comes with the soundcard.

Is there a way to do this?
In other words: Does RME supply software objects (like a dll, preferably usable in a dot net environment) that expose methods to accomplish the above mentioned requests?

Thanks in advance...


Re: Digi96/x settings controlled...

Sorry, we never offered such means. There is a hardware description paper available listing registers and I/O controls, which would require you to program it all yourself.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digi96/x settings controlled...

Dear Mathias,

Thank you for the quick reply!

This hardware description paper you refer to in your reply, does this require some kind of none disclosure agreement? Or could you be so kind as to email it to me without any restrictions? I have no intensions of using it for any commercial purposes.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,