1 (edited by Colin OOOD 2015-01-15 23:46:59)

Topic: Migrating .mix preset files to TotalMix FX - need access to old mixer

I'm rebuilding my studio computer after a catastrophic system drive failure and I've noticed that the new TotalMix FX cannot load the .mix preset files saved with the earlier version of TotalMix that I used to use.  I'm a freelance mix/mastering engineer and I have a pretty complex setup for my hybrid analog/digital mastering chain which involves routing audio in and out of my Multiface a number of times for different purposes so it's important that I get back up and running with my original configuration as soon as possible, as I have clients waiting.

After reading this thread http://www.rme-audio.de/forum/viewtopic … 71#p101271 I see that the recommended procedure is to close TotalMix FX, run the old mixer, load a mix preset, flash it to the interface and then run TotalMixFX, resolve the preset mismatch and save the settings in the new format.

How can I run the old mixer? My computer is a fresh install so the old version doesn't exist here, and I don't want to [uninstall current drivers, install an old version, flash the interface with the mixer settings, update drivers, save mix presets...] for each of the 5 preset files I need to transfer.

Can I download an old totalmix.exe from somewhere and just switch between that and the new mixer? It's quite possible that I'm being totally dimwitted here and missing something obvious and I apologise if that's the case and ask that you're gentle with me when you put me right!

All help gratefully appreciated!



Re: Migrating .mix preset files to TotalMix FX - need access to old mixer

You can download the old mixer here:


Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by Colin OOOD 2015-01-17 03:53:07)

Re: Migrating .mix preset files to TotalMix FX - need access to old mixer

MC wrote:

You can download the old mixer here:


Thanks! That's fantastic, now I can load the original presets.  However I can't find an option either in any of the menus, on the mixer itself or in the Multiface manual, to flash the current settings to the interface.  I can see the option in TotalMixFX to save the current status in the device, but I can't see it in the old TotalMix. Again, apologies if I'm missing something obvious!

Although I'd prefer to use the new mixer, I guess one solution to my particular problem would be to hack the registry to start the old version of TotalMix instead of TotalMixFX; are there any risks or disadvantages to this?  Current driver version 4.05.


Re: Migrating .mix preset files to TotalMix FX - need access to old mixer

That option doesn't exist because it doesn't exist in hardware. The MF does not have memory.

What you can do is save the current mixer states as screenshots from the matrix view and set them identical in the new TM FX matrix.

I also fixed the misleading information in the thread that you linked.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Migrating .mix preset files to TotalMix FX - need access to old mixer

Wait, so you're telling me that the user data from  a pro-level audio interface from RME cannot be migrated across versions without using screenshots?
Please excuse my incredulity. May I suggest that you guys make an app for that?