Topic: HDSP9632 midi problem with selfmade sym. I/O box
Hello RME-Forum,
I have my RME card for a while and was using the unsymetrical cabel.
however, as my speakers have symetrical inputs, so I wanted to try it
well, I bought all the parts, placed all connectors in a nice plastic box, soldered like said in manual.
I also have soldered a cabel by myself.
(a bit unclear is the GND.
I have pin9 to headphones GND and the shell to anything else GND)
(due to the problem I have tried Pin9 to MIDI GND and shell to anything else GND, but it´s the same result)
So far my measuring with a multimeter, anything is correct.
but playing midi generates a click on the line in and it comes out of speakers and headphones.
at the screenshot the line in cabel was not connected!
for double check; with the original unsymetrical cabel there is no click!
with hope for help, enlightenment and explanation
br, pixom