Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

Glad you find it useful, I actually should thank you! If I hadn't seen your post about modifying it, I probably wouldn't have bothered to try and get it working. Now I've got this program set to run when my computer starts, and it's working just how I want.

102 (edited by karoloydi 2015-12-28 19:55:38)

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

I just discovered a problem. Whenever I restart my computer my usb midi keyboard stops working. I have to remove the usb cable and plug it back in again.
Any ideas?

Edit: I tested the first version of the problem and it is still there. But I don't remember noticing it in windows 8. I think it appeared when I updated to windows 10

My midi keyboard also starts working after turning power on off. Maybe there is a way to send command to reset all non rme midi devices after connecting.

103 (edited by Manuel 2016-03-21 18:50:13)

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

I am still convinced that global volume keys is the best solution, as long as it's optional. I still would like to ask RME to consider this feature because it would hurt nobody's workflow and yet it would almost definitely help all producers who do most of their work on a computer. Thank you!

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

Global volume keys would be very great.

105 (edited by runuts 2016-08-20 01:20:06)

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility


As many here, I badly wanted the mute function to work again after switching from WindowsVolumeRelay to MidiVolume.
So as karoloydi and producerism did before me, I finally took the time to open and edit the code that kritzikratzi provided for MidiVolume.

While I was there, here is what I did :
- take into account the mute state.
- catch an exception that prevented my Windows10 from a clean shutdown
- change the icon to two icons, because I wanted a clean one pixel white line icon to fit in the windows 10 notification tray, but still needed a black one in the explorer.
- repackaged the source folder so that it stays focused on MidiVolume (there were other projects in there).
- called it 1.1, because why not.

My edits are documented, and in the sources I provided the photoshop file I used to create the icons, and the "legacy" one is still there of course.
For anyone interested on further editing or simple icon swap, I used SharpDevelop (free, light, and easy to understand) to open the solution, and it compiled on my first attempt.

Anyway, here are the links, hope it helps some of you :

sources :!jIMD0I4L!qlbnk_7uM-ze … YG1n7_MadQ
windows executable :!Wd9VxLib!11f2l6dDnBbr … -MhzzOhbbg

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

Hi, I just bought a Babyface Pro. I would also very much like Windows volume control as an option in the driver somehow please if possible, if RME is still watching their forum! If it isn't an option then I'd like to have the reason it isn't an option explained please. Thank you in advance

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

If a third-party app created by users can respond to volume key presses, theoretically so could any piece of software including TotalMix. In fact, I know several media players that can be configured to respond to the volume keys even when the app window is not focused.

I don't think this feature wouldn't replace RME's remote control products; instead it complements them.

I use 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to enhance the Windows taskbar, and one of the features of this free app is that you can scroll the mouse wheel over the taskbar to adjust system volume. It basically translates scroll wheel into global volume key presses, which in turn trigger any apps that respond to volume keys, as you would expect. This is very convenient when the mouse is already in your hand, you just motion to the bottom of the screen with a twist of the wrist and scroll.

108 (edited by karoloydi 2016-11-03 15:16:10)

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

runuts wrote:


As many here, I badly wanted the mute function to work again after switching from WindowsVolumeRelay to MidiVolume.
So as karoloydi and producerism did before me, I finally took the time to open and edit the code that kritzikratzi provided for MidiVolume.

While I was there, here is what I did :
- take into account the mute state.
- catch an exception that prevented my Windows10 from a clean shutdown
- change the icon to two icons, because I wanted a clean one pixel white line icon to fit in the windows 10 notification tray, but still needed a black one in the explorer.
- repackaged the source folder so that it stays focused on MidiVolume (there were other projects in there).
- called it 1.1, because why not.

My edits are documented, and in the sources I provided the photoshop file I used to create the icons, and the "legacy" one is still there of course.
For anyone interested on further editing or simple icon swap, I used SharpDevelop (free, light, and easy to understand) to open the solution, and it compiled on my first attempt.

Anyway, here are the links, hope it helps some of you :

sources :!jIMD0I4L!qlbnk_7uM-ze … YG1n7_MadQ
windows executable :!Wd9VxLib!11f2l6dDnBbr … -MhzzOhbbg

Thanks runuts. I am using it now. Its is a lot better. I like the new icon as well. Am I the only one that has the problem with the midi keyboard not working after restarting windows? I always have to turn it on and off to make it start. If I am the only one, are you guyz using an actual midi cable or a virtual cable? Maybe that's my issue.

I made this bat file that takes care of my problem.
Before it starts cubase, it kills the midi volume process. Then waits until cubase closes and starts it again. Change the paths to the paths in your hard drive if you are planning ot use it.
Code is below. Make a txt file, copy this, then rename the file with the extension .bat:

@echo off
taskkill /f /im MidiVolume.exe
START "" /WAIT "C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase LE AI Elements 7\Cubase LE AI Elements 7.exe"
START "" "C:\Program Files\RMEMidiVolumeRelay\MidiVolume.exe"

I also made a vbs script that will call the above bat file invisibly. Make a text file, then rename with the extension .vbs:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase LE AI Elements 7\cubase.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

Nice. The only thing which I dislike is that I have to go through Windows Sound system then, so I actually removed it again.
I would have liked it to be able to control playback volume of Musicbee ..
But Musicbee uses the ASIO driver, there the controlling of the volume has no effect.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

I noticed that when installing Totalmix on my Macbook it automatically mapped the volume buttons. Why not for PC too?

Would love to see global keyboard volume controls for Windows.

ufx ii / bfp


Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

runuts wrote:


As many here, I badly wanted the mute function to work again after switching from WindowsVolumeRelay to MidiVolume.
So as karoloydi and producerism did before me, I finally took the time to open and edit the code that kritzikratzi provided for MidiVolume.

Thanks for updating it runuts!

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility


I've just downloaded the latest program from kritzikratzi via the mega link, I'm using totalmixFX version 1.4 but I can't seem to get it to work. I'm using midiyoke as the virtual driver. There are many more options in the FX version of totalmix, I feel like I've not configured something right but have played around and can't get any sliders to move with the windows control.
I don't see any change to the FX panel when I enable MIDI control so maybe something else isn't working here?


Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility


Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility


115 (edited by ikonomov 2018-01-15 19:32:51)

Re: Control TotalMix via Vista Master Volume with this utility

For anybody interested to control the main volume of TotalMix with hotkeys (or a remote controller like MCE remote) might find this tool interesting.