Topic: Routing Question - Mic 1 In won't go to both sides of computer out
I'm trying to send Mic 1 input to both the left and right side of the computer out (out 7 and 8). Is this not possible?
I have a mic for recording my voice in Mic 1 (or MIc 2). I have my guitar effects processor going into the SPIDIF input in the back. It's stereo and it works perfectly going to USB in stereo. The SPIDIF guitar also is in stereo to my headphones. But Mic 1 is only on the left. And Mic 2 only goes to the right. I've tried panning, stereo and all sorts of things and nothing seems to work. I assume it's possible and I'm just doing something wrong.
In other words, in the matrix outputs 7/8 are green (at 0 db) for left and right side. I hear the mic 1 and 2 inputs go to both sides of my headphones (monitor 7 and 8). I hear my guitar from the SPIDIF input on both sides of my headphones.
But when I record to computer, the guitar is in stereo (Logic inputs 1/2 for example), but only the right side of the mic is recorded if the mic is plugged into Mic 2 and only the left side is recorded if plugged into Mic 1. But both mics go to both sides of my headphones. Why is my computer not recording Mic 1 or Mic 2 on both L/R of the computer USB output? Any thoughts here? Thanks!